Let me be the first to thank the two of you. You are doing this country a great service. Thanks to your childish antics, we have been spared from having to pay attention to all the other bad shit going down in the world right now. It gets old watching the news these day, what with all the death and suffering. Your public spat has given us some respite from this. I, for one, beg you to keep it up. The longer you two drag this out, the better we'll feel, the longer Fox News can go without relaying how bad Iraq is, and the richer you'll ultimately become. Surely there are more physical attributes each of you possess that the other could make fun of. I could help out with a few. Who would've ever thought that your pettiness and incivility could be such an asset as we fight this Global War Against Violent Extremism? God bless both your fevered egos. The same egos that are tainting our collective unconscious and making us pay a higher cosmic price than we ever imagined (credit: Bill Hicks).
Isn't it great? It was like in my high school when the two biggest bullies got in a fight. I kept cheering both of them on.
I have to say I find Trump contemptible; Rosie I only find annoying. I'm pulling for Rosie.
Funny, I was just musing on how it took this fun, public spat to force me to pick a side with these two. I find both contemptible...oddly, I'm backing up Trump. Gag.
Personnally, I 'd like to see a cage match.
I know. One 'n' only. Damn.
I am beginning to think that they have feelings for each other, just like in 6th grade when you picked on the one you liked.
I'm on Rosie's side so far. So she called him a "snake oil salesman"--as if that's the worst thing we all know he is.
I just feel embarassed for them both.
See? Sometimes it pays not to have a TV.
OK - just to show what an extreme nerd I am for not having a clue about what goes on in popular culture - what is this post about??
Melissa- Right now there is a very public feud going on between Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump. They are basically calling each other names and the media is, in my opinion, spending WAY too much time talking about it. It is nothing more that some ill-conceived publicity stunt.
Rosie just wants to get with Donald's wife Malaria.
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