My guess is not much. Sorry to be so cynical. With just a one vote advantage in the Senate and the president's veto pen at the ready (which, by the way, still has PLENTY of ink left), I doubt you'll be able to make the sweeping changes you'd like and we deserve. My one hope is that you at least stop being whipping boys and girls for those bully Repubs. Fuck them. They were wrong. Many of you were right. On a lot of shit. Don't forget that. Keep in mind, the media is licking their chops, waiting for you to fuck something up. In this "Fair And Balanced" world, they need to beat up on the other party for a while to somehow prove their objectivity. It's bogus, yes, but it's the how they roll.
So, I'd say take the gloves off! Go for broke! You've tried the mild, milquetoast approach. Take it to 'em this round. Remind them whose side the truth is on. And for god's sake, keep your wieners out of the pages and your hands out of crooked lobbyist's pockets. Think you can do that? Yeah, who am I kidding?
I sure hope they don't ruin my life...
"And for god's sake, keep your wieners out of the pages and your hands out of crooked lobbyist's pockets. Think you can do that? Yeah, who am I kidding?"
Thank goodness being in love hasn't affected the high-quality snark.
I.B.I.W.I.S.I., prounounced "ee-bee-whee-see".
Sweeping changes?! What planet are YOU living on?
But at least it's better than every branch controlled by the same damn party.
just do something so i dont cry about civic representation in my country...please.
unfortunately, the party may be short-lived. One Democratic Senator is in the hospital recovering from brain surgery. If he relinquishes his seat, or dies, the Governor of his state has to choose a replacement until the next general election (two years away), and the Governor is a Republican and will most likely choose a Republican, which would make the seats 50-50. The Vice-President is the tie-breaker, and he is Republican, they would get the Congress back.
ANd chances are the Democrats aren't going to be able to do much. The only reason they even won in the first place is not because they've done or said anything outstanding, they won just because they weren't Republicans.
This could still be a loooong two years....
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