What do...

...former Hugh Hefner paramour, Barbi Benton,

television's Mr. Belvedere, Christopher Hewett,

and the Mama that isn't Cass, Michelle Phillips, have in common?
Highlight the hidden text below to reveal the answer.
Each appeared in no less than eight episodes of "Fantasy Island".
awwwww, I thought the answer was:
They all died by choking on a ham sandwich.
another brilliant post!
I love the hidden text.
I learn something new every day. Thank you for being a part of my mental growth.
I had the same guess as Randy.
Where the hell do you find the time to gather such usless information?
I love to learn
new & exciting things
thanks Chris
Wow. You're bored, huh?
Wow. That was pretty fucking awesome. I love Mr. Belvedere.
Never woulda guessed.
BTW, I'm intrigued with that last pic.
That's a LOT of food for plane fare.
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