-Hi, Anne. How are you?
-I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind. I'm curious, what eighties sitcom character can you most relate to and why?
I'm a Golden Girls' Dorothy Petrillo-Sbornak with a Sophia Petrillo rising.
-I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind. I'm curious, what eighties sitcom character can you most relate to and why?
I'm a Golden Girls' Dorothy Petrillo-Sbornak with a Sophia Petrillo rising.
-What's the most you'd pay for a haircut?
$30. If I could trim it myself with a cigarette lighter, I would.
-I understand you live in Manhattan. What's with all the urine?
The city runs on it.
-My brother sat next to E! Channel personality, Giuliana De Pandi on a
recent flight from LA to Chicago.
Shoot me when I recognize that name, please.
-Switching to politics, what is your take on North Dakota's recent threat to
secede from the union?
-Can you spell the word "verisimilitude"?
-Finally, Yellow snow. Eat it? Don't? Where do you stand?
What's with all the urine questions? Never say never. Ever see "Alive?"
Thanks, Anne! If any of you would like to be a featured interviewee, please leave a note in the comments. I will tailor my questions to each individual.
We could use Ann on our hockey team.
That is an awesome picture! That tee-shirt rocks!
Way to go, Anne? I think your questions were too tricky for her. She's a simple girl, you know.
I don't think they were all questions.
Interview me anytime.
Great Idea Chris
First of all, if Ann is wearing that t-shirt ironically, it will break my heart. Secondly, I am not going to beg for your attention, Chris. I don't care how freakin lonely you are up there in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.
Chris, you can peel back my layers anytime, baby.
(Okay, I promise everyone that's the ONLY time I will ever do that.)
Now you have to question Megan, you just have to!
You can ask me questions...I will probably change my mind on the answers though.
I'm ADD like that.
Kristi- You should ask. She's small, but tenacious.
Flan- I can't figure out what she's doing with her hands.
Teri- I was nervous about that, but I think she did OK.
Phil- Good eye. Thanks.
Jen- You're on my list, too.
Vikki- No problem. I won't ask.
Flan- Count on it.
Megan- Please! Not in front of everyone!
Elizabeth- I'll do it privately, as to not sicken the rest of you.
Dirty- Duly noted.
Pick me!!
Boob Lady- This feature would not be complete without you, obviously!
Can we still be interviewed if we don't have a saucy picture of ourselves?
Gizmo- Absolutely! The saucy picture is only recommended, not required. Sassy pictures will also suffice. Or no picture at all. I know a bunch of you want to protect your anonymity.
Anne Altman rocks. I miss Anne. Doodle needs his own separate blog though.
thanks for the comments, kids!
doodle will get her own blog, eventually, i'm just riding on her cattailsf for now.
and the shirt: Adam Ant live in concert, 1983, i was there, bought the shirt. needless to say it's one of my most prized possessions. . .
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