I noticed on my SiteMeter that I just had my first ever visitor from Iceland. I've always wanted to visit Iceland. It looks cool as shit and not nearly as icy as one might imagine.
So, anonymous visitor from Iceland, if you're still there, I guess I'm asking if it's OK if I stay with you when I come to Iceland? I'll bring beer.
Iceland is where it's at. I was born there.
Little tip: don't bring mystery visitor American beer...it's far too weak, and he/she might resent you for it.
My ex-wife Cynthia, lived in England for a few months right after she got out of college. She caught a cheap flight there that entailed staying overnight in Iceland. She didn't have much memory of Iceland, but she said that that the group Kiss was sitting right behind her (this was pre-comeback, around 1989). She remembers that they smoked like chimneys-- remember when people could smoke on airplanes?
Pushy. Very pushy. Why don't you ask them if you can borrow some money, too, Chris? :)
Ja, ischt OK!!
I bet it was Bjork.
I hope she's looking for me. Bjork that is. Iceland does look great. Let me know how the accommodations turn out to be and I'll add it to my list of places I'll never get to.
k.i.d.- Awesome! Oh, and I'd never bring American beer. Don't they drink some homemade shit there that's like antifreeze?
Flan- You know it! By the way, thanks for the bed while I was in Ohio.
Johnny- Wow, that's an excellent story!
Zed- I just might. I have no shame.
Ingvar- I'm on my way!
Grant- Dare to dream...
Dale- Will do. By the way, I love your avatar. You probably hear that all the time.
Can anyone ever hear anything enough? I say no. What did you say about my avatar?
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