There is one supermarket in my town and they just incorporated two do-it-yourself grocery checkout aisles. I'm sure this is something you city-folk have been using for years, but they're new to me. I like them. For one, I seem to be WAY faster at scanning my shit than the people who do it professionally. I also get to avoid something I loathe - small talk. Besides, as a bachelor, it's a little embarassing to go in, week after week, and buy the same frozen pizzas and ice cream novelties (not to mention all the anti-diarrheal medicine).
You'd say these things are supplanting jobs. May I remind you we are in a War On Terror? Come on, people! Just think of all the men and women that will now be available to help us defeat radical extremists all around the world. It's a classic win-win!
Just for the record, once you're married, you still end up buying the same frozen pizzas and ice cream that you did when you were single. Unless, of course, you marry someone who actually cooks.
I like them when I only have a few items, but if I have a lot I just go to the checker.
I don't like how they work sometimes. Like, I can't place my purse in certain areas because it will think I have an unscanned item or something (you have that problem with purses all the time, right Chris?). It checks the weight of the items. So, sometimes you've scanned a candy bar, and it's really light so it doesn't register, then it's a big pain in the ass.
I agree with you, self-checkers are the bomb.
have you ever wondered if you are lactose intolerant?
We southerners enjoy a nice chat with the grocery cashier. Plus if you never leave the grocery without wine they have to call the cashier over to bypass the ID check anyway. But I'm glad you're enjoying putting millions of Americans out of work.
Self-checking is cool, unless you're behind someone who's never used it before.
Then it's quicker to just go through the checker.
I use this at my Acme grocery store and at my local Home Depot. I love them, especially if you don't have alot of stuff.
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