In the meantime, enjoy three new additions to my blogroll. I thought it was time to inject a little testosterone, so it's an all-male update. Meet Scarlet, Coffeypot, and The [Cherry] Ride. Welcome, boys!
I Swear I'm Still Funny...
In the meantime, enjoy three new additions to my blogroll. I thought it was time to inject a little testosterone, so it's an all-male update. Meet Scarlet, Coffeypot, and The [Cherry] Ride. Welcome, boys!
Just So You Don't Worry...

So there's no need to call the hospitals or send out bloodhounds. I'll be back with more blog-stupidity lickety-splitly.
Memories Of Frozen Yogurt...

-Hair clippings
-Giblet gravy
-Parmesan cheese
-Snot (or other bodily fluids)
-Barbecue sauce
Am I forgetting any?
Documentary Film Of The Day - This Film Is Not Yet Rated...

I Ask Frank Questions And He Answers Them...

In part four of my ongoing series, I sat down with Frank of The Sirmarco Letters. I think you'll find that he took all my tough questions in stride. As always, his answers appear in bold.
I'm here with longtime friend and blogmeister, Frank Sirmarco. How are you feeling today? You look terrible.
You should see the other guy!
My first question involves a topic I know is near and dear to your heart - Dungeons & Dragons. What is your favorite part of "Unearthed Arcana"? Or, if you prefer, "Manual Of The Planes"?
Both can be hidden quickly when your girlfriend comes home unexpectedly.
But seriously, Unearthed Arcana introduced the geek world to the Ranger and Barbarian classes, so that's pretty sweet. It also had a bunch of spells created by some wizard named Leomund (LINK). That guy was a fuckin' bad-ass!
You play a lot of video games. For all the gamers reading this out there, what is your preferred treatment for "joystick fingers"?
Extended periods of "joystick rubbing".
Working in a field like human resources, you have to be prepared to deal with any number of awkward situations in the workplace. Let's say one of your employees has an obvious prolonged erection on a daily basis and its making other employees uncomfortable. How do you handle it?
Well, since I've been watching a lot of Cialis commercials recently (you can't go three minutes without seeing one during the NFL playoffs...says something about sedentary, male football fans), I would tell him to contact his doctor; erections are not meant to last more than four hours.
Convince me that Max Von Sydow's greatest role was NOT Brewmeister Smith.
You were in a popular Chicago band for a while. It must have been hot and cold-running chicks. Any good groupie stories?
All my good groupie stories involve watching our bass player, Jimmy pick up some random girl while I drank a bottle of Southern Comfort and ate Taco Bell (unfortunately, 270lb guitarists* don't get a lot of tail).
*Now a 225lb guitarist
If you could have one person, dead or alive, come over and clean your toilet, who would it be and why?
Steve Garvey. I hate Steve Garvey! Did you see what he did to the Cubs during game 4 of the 1984 NLCS? I'd eat a lot of sport peppers the night before he came over to clean my toilet; just to make sure those Popeye-like forearms got a real workout. Son of a bitch!
Tell my readers why you deserve to be the next president.
Read my new taxes!
You know Madge, that lady from the Palmolive commercials? What was up with that bitch? Lastly, Finish the following sentence: I...
...gave you your ball; I have nothing else of value!
I don't know about that, Frank...

And what the fuck is a "cranny"? You never hear cranny used by itself. It's always preceded by nook. Nook you'll hear by itself from time to time, but not cranny. What makes it so damn special, huh?
Another Damn Birthday...

Yeah, I thought he was dead, too, but he's not.
Neither is Abe Vigoda, for the record.
State Of The Union Preview...

This is just a hunch.
May god continue to bless America.
Happy As A Clam...

They have no arms or legs. They can't joke around with their clam buddies. They can't see or hear shit, so TV is out. Their whole makeup consists of a viscous slime surrounded by a muddy outer shell.
Is that anything to be happy about?
Of course, they never have to listen to shit-ass pundits like O'Reilly or sit in rush hour traffic, so maybe I'm wrong...
Documentary Film Of The Day - The Ground Truth...

I Ask Flannery Alden Questions And She Answers Them...

In the third part of my interview series, I sat down with Flannery Alden. She is a frequent commenter and hosted me for a night during my recent east coast road trip. She makes killer french toast and bacon.
I'm here with long-time blogger, Flannery Alden. Flannery, you have read my blog almost from the very beginning. To what do you attribute its unrivaled success?
I'm here with long-time blogger, Flannery Alden. Flannery, you have read my blog almost from the very beginning. To what do you attribute its unrivaled success?
I think your blog is so successful because you are a hunky underdog and chicks dig that. Also, you're spelling skills are exemplary. I could go on, but this interview is about me.
You are born and raised in Ohio. What, in your opinion, puts the "Oh" in Ohio?
Well, I've always heard that Ohio is high in the middle and round on both ends, which is an apt description of my home state. However, what puts the "Oh" in Ohio? Hmm...Licking County?
You wrote that you have a degree in Classical & Medieval Studies. How did you like the jousting class?
It was literally a pain in the ass. There were serious injuries in every class and, to make matters worse, in order to get any first aid or medical attention, one had to ask for it in either Latin, Greek, Old Norse or Olde English, depending on which of those classes were covering paramedics on that day. There were benefits, though. I did enjoy knocking the shit out of my wispy male colleagues and future leather mug makers. Huzzah!
I know, as a mother of two, that you watch a lot of children's television. Compare and contrast today's children's television with the shows we grew up with. I mean, isn't Spongebob just a cheap rip-off of the Snorks?
No, Spongebob is a rather well done rip-off of PeeWee Herman, as my good friend Elizabeth pointed out to me recently. However, you may be right about the Snorks. I can't rightly say as I've never heard of them.
As a student of the classics with regard to history, fashion, entertainment, language, and cars I have noticed that successful trends tend to come and go. I'm pleased to see today's children's television fare is influenced by the great shows of the past.
Many of the great new shows have taken something that worked in the past and layered on new, more contemporary themes and educational values. Take, for instance, Drake and Josh, a show I have recommended to you on countless occasions, yet you refuse to consider watching. It's basically Laverne and Shirley, which was basically I Love Lucy. All have great slapstick episodes and lovable losers at the helm. Where the Drake and Josh show innovates with regard to contemporary themes and educational values is: no one smokes or drinks on the show. That's progress.
If you could travel to any place that starts with an "L", where would it be?
London, Baby!
I rode my bike through Salem, Ohio once and these assholes drove by in cars and tried to run us off the road.
That's how you know you're in Ohio. If you're on a bike, people will try to run you off the road. I wouldn't take it personally, though; they probably just thought you were gay.
You and your husband contribute to a blog about beer. Name a beer that you like that most people would consider shit.
Rolling Rock.
You have written often about your neighbor's Tiki Bar and how it has become a gathering place for you and your friends. Is there any sort of Tiki philosophy or mantra or creed or something?
You have written often about your neighbor's Tiki Bar and how it has become a gathering place for you and your friends. Is there any sort of Tiki philosophy or mantra or creed or something?
There is, Chris, and this is it: Peace, Love, Friendship, and Anarchy.
Thanks, Flannery. That is a wealth of knowledge you've provided us with.
And thank you, Chris, for being the you that you are.
Flannery Alden, ladies and gentlemen...
eBay Neophyte...

The Joy Of Not Having To Talk To People...

You'd say these things are supplanting jobs. May I remind you we are in a War On Terror? Come on, people! Just think of all the men and women that will now be available to help us defeat radical extremists all around the world. It's a classic win-win!
Some Guy's Book Of Rules, Entry #1...
I Ask Grant Miller Questions And He Answers Them...

-I'm here with popular blogger, Grant Miller. Say hello to everyone, Grant.
Hello to everyone, Grant.
-Cute. Now, Grant, people are always asking me what your beauty secrets are. Care to
share a few?
I shave my eyebrows otherwise I would have one eyebrow. I enjoy flossing my teeth. One of my favorite chorse is using a Q-Tip to get the wax out of my ear. Sometimes a finger will work, but it's not as effective.
-It's well known that we've known each other a long time. Can you remember
the conversation we had on April 19th, 1986? I know it's one I'll never
Of course, I remember. You asked me to attend your "Adolph Hitler Birthday Bash" the next day at your house. I was totally weirded out and said "No way, I'm not a racist like you." That's how I remember it, but I could be confusing you with someone else.
-You want a piece of gum?
I don't chew gum. I've only tried it once and hated it. I don't particularly like candy. I enjoy chocolate, but only occassionally. I look like a fool when I chew gum. I feel like a fool when I chew gum. But thanks for the offer.
-As a dad, what is the most obnoxiously annoying toy your children possess?
Telly the Time Clock. Unlike most toys that turn off after a few minutes of inactivity, Telly the Time Clock keeps going and going. "What time is it?" "What time is it" over and over and over again until I turn it off. Plus it has only two volume controls: Obnoxiously loud and off.
-Can you believe they cancelled Shatner's game show? What's up with that?
I didn't know Shatner had a game show, so I do not understand what is up with that.
-Name four people, dead or alive, that you'd most like to play air hockey
I didn't know Shatner had a game show, so I do not understand what is up with that.
-Name four people, dead or alive, that you'd most like to play air hockey
Colleen McElroy, Socrates, Lincoln, my mom. Thanks. Thanks a lot for bringing that up again.
-I really need to get a haircut.
I just got one.
-What, to you, was the turning point of the Crimean War?
I'm not sure, but it probably had something to do with the fact they were fighting over Crimea and not something cooler.
-Lastly, if you could trade noses with anyone, who would it be?
My cat.
-Thanks, Grant. Don't forget to rock out with your cock out.
It's the only way to rock out.
Indeed it is, Grant. Indeed it is...
It's Tuesday. Let's Play Everyone's Favorite Blog Game - Does Anyone Remember...

My mom used to make them out of Tang. Compared to actual Popsicles, they sucked ass.
This one is specifically for Geo. Too bad for you I have a steel trap of a memory.
Taking One For The Team...
I think awards shows are fucking silly, but, as they are part of the pop culture landscape, I feel I must offer some commentary. Since no one really gives a shit about the awards themselves, I'm going to focus my attention on the pre-show:
Documentary Film Of The Day - Wordplay...

Bear Down!...
I really thought they were gonna blow this one. Why do they always have to make it so close at the end? Do they want me to have a fucking grabber or something?
I'm a gum chewer. Some people find this annoying, but I think nothing conveys an air of nonchalance better than chewing a piece of gum. Really, who doesn't want to look nonchalant? Not me. Currently, my gum of choice is:

I like that it's strong initially and maintains its flavor quite well.
Back in the day, like most suburban boys, I wanted to look cool. Obviously, nothing looks cooler than sticking a wad of chewing tobacco in your mouth. Unfortunately, twelve-year-old boys don't always have access to tobacco. Luckily, we DID have:
One can only guess how much of a "gateway gum" this became for kids destined for a life full of empty Coke bottles, half-full with dip-juice, and mouth cancer.
Perhaps the suckiest gum of all time was:
Avast, Ye Matey...

The one thing I did enjoy was brainstorming names for our craft. A few of my suggestions were:
- Miocardial Infarction (three of us were ski patrollers)
- Bloody Stool (I bet there aren't any other boats named this)
- Satan's Chariot (sounded intimidating)
- Those Aren't Buoys (Seinfeld reference)
- Harvey Walleye-Banger (there are Walleye on my lake)
What's It Gonna Be?...
All I Can Say Is Wow...

He was so "on" last night. He had the charisma of Kennedy, the gravitas of Patton, and the foresight of, um, Grover Cleveland? He made his point cogently and passionately. He asserted that failure in Iraq is not an option. Amazing! I never really thought about that. As far as I'm concerned, any credibility he'd lost these past few years was recaptured last night.
So, I am no longer in the ranks of the freedom-hating. These colors don't run. Love it or leave it. Live free or die. Baghdad, ho! Let's roll!
A Brand New Feature At Some Guy's Blog!...
I think I'll call it "Some Guy Asks You Questions And You Answer Them". It is a way for me to peel back the layers of some of our favorite bloggers and get down to the core - the essence - of who they really are. My first Guinea Pig is:
Our friend, Anne Altman. Anne runs a blog called Two Can Anne. She was one of the very first blogs I started reading. I had the pleasure of spending time with Anne and her cat, Doodle, while in New York City recently. For those of you who follow her, she is pretty much exactly like you'd imagine. I was happy to learn that Anne was willing to answer a few questions. Her answers appear in bold.
-What's the most you'd pay for a haircut?
$30. If I could trim it myself with a cigarette lighter, I would.
-I understand you live in Manhattan. What's with all the urine?
The city runs on it.
-My brother sat next to E! Channel personality, Giuliana De Pandi on a
recent flight from LA to Chicago.
Shoot me when I recognize that name, please.
-Switching to politics, what is your take on North Dakota's recent threat to
secede from the union?
-Can you spell the word "verisimilitude"?
-Finally, Yellow snow. Eat it? Don't? Where do you stand?
What's with all the urine questions? Never say never. Ever see "Alive?"
Thanks, Anne! If any of you would like to be a featured interviewee, please leave a note in the comments. I will tailor my questions to each individual.

-Hi, Anne. How are you?
-I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind. I'm curious, what eighties sitcom character can you most relate to and why?
I'm a Golden Girls' Dorothy Petrillo-Sbornak with a Sophia Petrillo rising.
-I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind. I'm curious, what eighties sitcom character can you most relate to and why?
I'm a Golden Girls' Dorothy Petrillo-Sbornak with a Sophia Petrillo rising.
-What's the most you'd pay for a haircut?
$30. If I could trim it myself with a cigarette lighter, I would.
-I understand you live in Manhattan. What's with all the urine?
The city runs on it.
-My brother sat next to E! Channel personality, Giuliana De Pandi on a
recent flight from LA to Chicago.
Shoot me when I recognize that name, please.
-Switching to politics, what is your take on North Dakota's recent threat to
secede from the union?
-Can you spell the word "verisimilitude"?
-Finally, Yellow snow. Eat it? Don't? Where do you stand?
What's with all the urine questions? Never say never. Ever see "Alive?"
Thanks, Anne! If any of you would like to be a featured interviewee, please leave a note in the comments. I will tailor my questions to each individual.
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