
Documentary Film Of The Day: Gashole...

I'd call this a must-see.  For those of you who still have Netflix and still follow my recommendations, this is one I hope you'll watch and then tell others to watch. It's about greedy-ass oil fucks and just how crooked and sinister human beings can be.

It's available for instant viewing HERE


Dr Zibbs said...

Sounds like a gas.

Naaa. Naa. Naaaa.

VEG said...

I'm checking it out. Talking of gas, I saw "Gasland" did you see that one? I think it had an Oscar nom this year.

Some Guy said...

VA- Yes, I saw it. It was excellent, too.

Dale said...

Sounds interesting. I just finished a doc called Bill Cunningham New York which will soothe your rage (if you want it to be so) and restore perhaps your faith in humankind.

Some Guy said...

Dale- I just watched that as well. I liked it a lot.

Truck Lowering Suspension Parts said...

It was a good compiling those ideas in the documentary. Everyone should watch this.

Anonymous said...
