
Merry Christmas, Everyone!...

From the staff at Some Guy's Blog.

Now, on the count of three--start drinking!


Cooper Green said...

Merry Chris, Christmas.

joe said...

That has to be THE creepiest pic of Gary Coleman I've seen in a long time. Even creepier than Cooper's.

VEG said...

Merry Chris-tmas to you guys! May your belly be filled with seasonal delights and may the fat guy in red have brought you booze.

SkylersDad said...

With just a slight amount of photoshop work, Gary could have been throwing up the shocker, and that would have made it the best Christmas photo ever!

Thanks for another year of laughs SG!!

Mnmom said...

Funny - just yesterday I said "whattchu talkin 'bout Willis?" to my teen and she gave me a very strange look.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Same to you dude.

Sans Pantaloons said...


teri said...

Hope you and Megan had a great Christmas, Chris.

gennifer6 said...

Hope you two had a wonderful Christmas! I drank, too. :)

Dale said...

What do you mean 'start drinking'. Were we supposed to stop at some point and then start? I'm so confused.

Scope said...

Gary was an elf. Most people don't know that.

Just catching up from the Holidays.