
Documentary Film Of The Day: Winnebago Man...

I've been waiting a long time to see this one. 

Although you may not be immediately familiar with the name Jack Rebney, chances are you've witnessed his curse-laden tirades on YouTube captured while making trade videos for Winnebago motor homes.  For a profanity connoisseur such as myself, you must believe me when I say they are works of fucking art (go HERE if you haven't seen them--NSFW).  Director Ben Steinbauer decided he wanted to see whatever became of Jack.  I liked this documentary for the same reason I like a lot of documentaries--we get to see the story unfold as the film is being made.  It's the unpredictability that I find incredibly compelling.  As the movie starts, Ben isn't even sure whether Jack is still alive.  In fact, based on Jack's demeanor in the videos, he assumes he's probably died of a heart attack or some other stress-related malady.  Luckily for the filmmaker and the audience, Jack is still alive and (somewhat) willing to talk.  I'll let you find out the rest for yourselves.

Netflix it HERE
Film's website is HERE


VEG said...

I've been trying to see this damn film for ages but it never came up here! I guess I'll have to cave in and get it elsewhere. :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog is funny... I'm following it. I'm one of those moron conservatives, but stop over for a visit. I'm an equal-opportunity offender!


- Wally J


GETkristiLOVE said...

I haven't watched a documentary in a long time for some reason. I got hooked on too much TV while being injured I think. I'm ready to re-engage though so thanks!

SkylersDad said...

This looks great, of course I am a big fan of swearing!

Mnmom said...

Is he related to Bill O'Reilly??