
Dudes Wearing Umbrella Hats...


Dr. MVM said...

I only wear mine if there is a good chance of golden showers.

Mnmom said...

But they still make a lot of sense

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I like the cammo one...cause that's some intimidatingly military helmetry.

SkylersDad said...

I'm with Flannery. Cammo man blends into the night silently waiting. While dry...

VEG said...

And why the hell not!

katrocket said...

I smell a fashion comeback!

Dr Zibbs said...

I fucking love this post!!!

Dr Zibbs said...

And why aren't you on Twitter? Follow me @drZibbs and @Fatherkelly

I need some more funny people to follow.

Son of a Thomas said...

It would be cool if it popped out of the boler hat like Inspector Gadget. I'd get one.

Anonymous said...

Could Jay Johnstone look any stupider? The Magic 8 Ball says no.

Alex said...

haha very sophisticated... http://thegloriousthoughts.blogspot.com

Sans Pantaloons said...

If they made these in aluminium foil, they would be perfect!

Fickle Cattle said...

Impossible to wear an umbrella hat and not look stupid. Wow.

I am Fickle Cattle.

Anonymous said...

I have discovered something, there is no way to look good in an umbrella hat.

Gardener said...

I have reflective fabric umbrella hat. I do yard/garden work in Texas and I'm 10 degrees cooler under the umbrella hat. My kids are embarrassed though. I need a hiking/fishing type hat in same reflective material. Amazon

Anonymous said...

you may look like a total dumbass with the brockabrella, but its helpful when camping and hiking