
What A Way To Start The Week!...

I feel bad for his family. Now they have to spend more time with this rat-fuck shit-ass.

In the media frenzy to come you will no doubt hear to him referred to as "The Architect". As someone who works in the architecture profession, I consider it a great insult to associate him in any way with this ancient art. Architects design buildings. This guy designed turds. Any asshole can do that.


SkylersDad said...

Don't you love the standard excuse, "to spend more time with his family"... Like this guy is even aware he has a family!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

His wife is thinking, "Eww, now I have to have sex with him more often. Ewww."

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

That was pure poetry, Chris.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Feces and double entendres - Bravo! It's been awhile.

Anonymous said...

well sprach... uh, who is he??