I think the state quarter thing is a great idea. You know, why the fuck not? It beats the same old boring change we've been using all these years. As a bona fide geek, I have made an effort to collect each one. Megan even gave me a nifty book in which to keep them all. I've managed to find quite a few. A few still haven't been released yet.
One of my favorites so far is:

Cow, corn, and cheese. Having spent time there, there really needs to be a beer bottle on there, too. I see a little room between the cow and the corn.
The lamest so far is:

I suppose a lame state deserves a lame quarter, but come on!
Even North Dakota had the foresight to use two bison rather than one.
I kind of like Kansas, but I think the sunflower should at least come up to the bison's shoulder. It looks like a mini-sunflower. My favorite is Connecticut's: a big tree.
Ours here in Colorado was mountains of course, but they didn't even use a mountain or a range that was recognizable! It is just a missmash of nondescript hills... lame...
keep an eye on the Wisconsin ones...
They shoul've had a Jayhawk riding the bison. And what about the wheat? Kansas really dropped the ball.
I like the Tennessee one because of the guitar.
Have you seen the Canadian quarters with kid drawings?
I collect the state quarters as well. I have to get both the Denver and the Philadelphia versions, and the P quarters are really hard to get out here. Chris, if you collect both and ever need Ds, I will trade you for some Ps.
California's is the lamest ever. It's like they couldn't decide which thing in this huge state to honor, so we got a famous mountain, an endangered bird, and some dude you've never heard of! All crammed very un-artistically together in some damn faux tableau.
Missouri's quarter cracks me up, maybe because it depicts Lewis and Clark rowing peacefully on a river surrounded by broccoli florets.
Ohio and North Carolina fought it out for the slogan "First in Flight." Ohio lost, of course and now we're stuck with "Birthplace of Aviation." Because, you know, the Wright Brothers were born here and so was John Glen. LAME. I mean, there were a bunch of presidents born in the state, why not go that route. Then again, they never asked me, which was their first mistake.
The two bison quarter gives me some ideas.
::ahem:: you've seen the naked lady quarters?? And the new design for the West VA quarter??
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