-First, thanks to all of you for the kind comments regarding Megan and I. I know I can get all sentimental about my blogging chums, but I truly have great affection for each of you.
-Second, Canada and the North Channel were fucking gorgeous. The weather was perfect and the scenery was striking. The Molson tasted even sweeter in its country of origin. Here's an example of the kind of sunsets we were privy to:
-A quick question for my Canadian readers: I noticed the use of the word "yooz" (as in, "Do yooz want gravy on your fries?") was prevalent. I hadn't noticed this on my past trips there. Is this just a midwestern Canadian thang or do yooz all talk like that?
-At one of the anchorages we stayed at, there was a big-ass rock that people can jump off of. After a lot of trepidation, I went for it. Our boat captain said it was about a 35' jump. It seemed like I was in the air forever. Please put on sunglasses to avoid being blinded by my pasty torso. The boat in the foreground was the one we were on.

-The places we went had cool-sounding names, like Beardrop Harbor and Whalesback Channel. Of course, I had my own names for places, like Urination Point and Pisswater Cove. Did I mention that I had a lot of Molson?
-Here is some video from the trip. I realize I am asking you to invest a lot of time on this post, but I figure you've been in serious withdrawal while I've been away, so I'm assuming you can handle it:
Thanks for the cool update and pics Chris! And, I'll match you pasty torso for pasty torso any day! ;^)
Wow, it looks really beautiful.
I'll save watching the video for when I get home, in the off chance there is footage of Pisswater Cove.
If Megan's not flipping the bird, it's just not a vacation.
Great post, great pics, and it looks like a wonderful vacation!
I want to commend you, sir, for the truly inspirational footage of Megan gazing valiantly into the middle distance with Old Glory flying proudly overhead.
Lovely footage. We saltwater types get a little smug when people talk about lake boating, but the Great Lakes, even a small part of them, are as ocean-like as anything I have seen. I have to say, though, the look of the shoreline caused me some concern. Too much rock. Is the water disappearing that quickly?
My wife and I did the eastern half of the country a few years ago, and didn't run into "yooz" until we got to the Maritimes. I think it's more prevalent there than in Ontario. It's not heard at all in the west.
I'm glad people like you have the sense to take great pictures when they go on vacation. I don't have that sense, so I'll enjoy yours instead. Thanks for posting.
Beautiful. And complete with Megan giving the finger.. it's like I was really there.
It looks a very relaxing trip Chris. I don't think I would have the courage to make that jump nowadays.
great story, great photos, even the "pasty" ones. And I, along with the others, love Megans use of her fingers.......
Hey, the great white north is all green and shit. Tell us the truth, did you just jump because you had to go pee again real bad?
Ohh man that is one place I would like to go! I mentioned it as one of my top 4 places! Beautiful place!
Wow, I love other people's vacation pictures. For my vacation I took the week of Groundhogs Day and spent it in the hot tub (at 17 degrees F. and lots of snow) with my sister. And her husband. And a case of beer. Not Molson though. And it didn't look anywhere near as much fun as this.
Sunshine, water, forrests, looks like heaven to me. Thanks for the cool post.
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