Shocking, I know.
I've heard that a G.I. Joe movie is in the works. There are also rumors of a movie based on the video game "Joust". In order to help speed up this process, I'm gonna get a few ideas out on the table so that they can get this trend out of their systems. Here are my proposals:

I figure this one will follow the lead of great "last to best", overcoming the odds-type films like Rocky and Karate Kid. There is a competition looming to see who can complete the most Sit & Spin revolutions in ten minutes. The underdog will be played by some skinny dork from the poor side of town (Jon Heder?) who gets inspiration from his grizzled coach (played by Samuel L. Jackson). His nemesis will be some rich asshole who normally wins the competition every year (Orlando Bloom?). In the end, the skinny kid wins (obviously), he hooks up with the rich kid's hot ex-girlfriend (Jessica Alba?) and the final shot is Samuel L. giving an approving wink to signify a job well done.

While 1981's "My Dinner With Andre" captivated audiences with its simplicity and rich dialogue, it was a touch too highbrow for wide audiences. "My Dinner With Teddy Ruxpin" will be far more family-friendly, something for adults and kids alike. It will feature Wallace Shawn reprising his role opposite Teddy (in the Andre role) as they delve into a wide range of subjects such as happy rainbows, hugs, and woodland creatures over their meal in a French restaurant. The voice of Teddy will be performed by Samuel L. Jackson. Bring your Kleenex.

This film is based on the old Mattel handheld game. If you remember, the game involved moving a LED blip across a black screen. Somehow, this was supposed to simulate the excitement of an actual football game. For this one, I'm seeing a lot of darkness, like in a Michael Mann film. Something futuristic. Football is being played by cyborgs controlled by greedy defense contractors. A rag-tag bunch of old football pros (led by, you guessed it, Samuel L. Jackson!) want to show that humans can still play football better than the cyborgs, so they challenge them to a monumental battle between man and machine. The cyborgs eventually win and Samuel L. curses a lot. This one has summer blockbuster written all over it.
-My Dinner With Teddy Ruxpin
you're high, aren't you?
can we tell specific people to go "sit and spin"?
All of these ideas have been immediately green-lit by The Sirmarco Letters Network (SLN).
Seriously, Joust The Movie?
The last f*cking half hour of that movie would be the goddamn pterodactyl annoying the hell out of everyone.
Oh, and I would go see the handheld electronic football adaption.
What's with the Orlando Bloom hate?
Flann- No hate intended. He just seems like someone who could carry the torch passed by William Zabka. It anything it was a compliment on his fine acting ability.
Hey1 Why didn't I think of these? Damn that was entertaining! I can't wait until these come out.
Will there be vomiting in the Sit and Spin movie?
Great post. Like everyone else, I like the Teddy Ruxpin movie the best.
I always thought it would be HILARIOUS to put a heavy metal tape in Teddy Ruxpin.
you do realize you should move quick and get intellectual copyright protection on this post-- someone in Hollyweed is gonna snatch these iders up and use 'em and make a fuckload of $$$ and you ain't a-gonna get shit for having thought o' it first.
Just you wait n' see!!
Oh, what can you do with Glowworm??
That's some funny shit. I love the game of Joust and one of the best costumes I ever saw (and you know how picky I am) was a guy in college that was a Jouster. He was dressed just like one of them on the top half, then his legs were sticking out at the bottom under the feathered body, dressed like the ostrich, and he had a javelin, or whatever you call it.
If you are looking for rough script submissions for any of these fine films, I'm sure Flannery and I could punch one up in a day or two. Get back to me.
Chris, wicked funny post.
But I do feel obligated to point out that your obsession with Samuel L. Jackson has blinded you to the more obvious choice for the voice of Teddy: Morgan Freeman.
Teddy Ruxpin used to scare the hell out of me. Maybe he can star in horror movies al la Child's Play.
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