Huh? Traverse City? Where the hell is that?
Actually, this event gets bigger and bigger each year. It's put together by local shit-disturber Michael Moore. He lives a few towns over from me.
Those of you who follow this blog know I love movies, especially documentaries. The films we'll be seeing include:
- Chicago 10, Synopsis: Brett Morgen ("The Kid Stays in the Picture") directs this innovative political documentary about the trial following protests of the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention. The filmmaker combines archival footage with motion-capture animation to create a dramatic, original retelling of this important moment in American political history. Featuring the voices of Mark Ruffalo, Nick Nolte, Jeffrey Wright, Liev Schreiber, and Hank Azaria. Selected as the Opening Night Film of this year's Sundance Film Festival. Not Rated
- In The Shadow Of The Moon, Synopsis: A huge hit at Sundance (winner of the Audience Award and nominated for Grand Jury Prize), this new doc from David Sington offers an intimate look at the Apollo space program. Sington mixes his own recent interviews with astronauts with breathtaking, never-before-seen archival footage. Both novel and nostalgic, this feel-good doc gives refreshing perspective to the achievements of a country which once believed it could move humanity forward - and did. Rated PG (mild language, brief violent images and incidental smoking). Note: Some of you know that I love anything having to do with the space program, so this one should be a good one.
- Mike's Surprise, Synopsis: What is Mike's Surprise? Festival founder Michael Moore shows up with... a sneak preview of a big Hollywood movie? A buried treasure that the public hasn't seen in years? Some of his home movies? Nobody knows until the last day of the festival, sometimes not even Mike. Whatever it is, only the curious and the brave should attend.
I'm kinda nervous about the incidental smoking. Maybe we should cover our eyes during that part?
Im a huge space geek, and really want to see In The Shadow Of The Moon.
Sounds great, have fun!
I've been wondering when someone was going to make a good documentary about the Chicago 10. What a great story. Can't wait to see it.
P.S. My friend who works at Sundance goes to Traverse City every year. He loves it.
Oops, I meant the Chicago 7.
Dude if you ever break up with your gf send me her number, she sounds like just the sort of woman I'd love. I hope you two had fun.
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