My question is, when is the media going to catch up with the rest of us? When is the media going to openly admit this guy is a simpleton? The pile of evidence grows by the day. In fact, anytime he opens his mouth, there's more proof. Yet, straight-news types are still prone to give him undue respect. They feel it's somehow deserved merely by the fact that he's president. I've got news for you, Sally. The guy is dumb. D-U-M-B. He lacks intellect. His brain can't process things that are complex. Before you say, "Oh, he's really a genius because he's made people THINK he's dumb and therefore, just like them. It's all an act."
Bullshit. He dumb.
And what makes him even more dumb is that he thinks he's smart.
It shouldn't be up to The Daily Show to make sure we all witness his myriad gaffes and flubs. The news media should be riding his ass from now until he's gone. Everything he says or does should be televised. Of course, that'd mean having to listen to him a lot more than we already do. Maybe I need to rethink this...
Thinking seriously about your question, I always come back to the story Al Franken tells in his "Lies" book. It basically goes that he was chompin' at the bit to nail W. with a question, but as soon as he shook his hand, W. slipped him some fast talk and was outta there before Franken got the question out.
It must be something about meeting him in person.
It's amazing that the whole of the world was in more of an uproar about Billy boy getting a little head, than they are about Dubya's complete incompetence....
You know, I just saw your last post about GWB, and I think you're right about this! I had always just laughed away at his blunders and gaffes, thinking Rove and Cheney were really in charge and of course they are easier to dislike.
Now, I think about all the GW apologists say about him having that folksy down-home charm. No. No way! He's stupid. With a capital S! How he became our leader is beyond me. Has there ever been a President who was considered more stupid!?
I'd have to agree...the less I see of him the better.
I don't know. He makes a lot of stupid gaffes, but part of me has tremendous respect for him as a campaigner. Not as a statesman or a politician or whatever. Just his ability to get out votes and stay on task on the campaign trail. It's amazing. Perhaps he's a pawn and Rove is the genius. But just imagine if the Democrats had a campaigner half as talented running in 2004.
Response to Grant; I try to find the best in everyone and it certainly has been hard with Dubya, but it seems you found one. The man should sell cars, cause he sold half the nation on him and he obviously doesn't have a freakin clue what he is doin.
isn't it spelled D-U-M-B-E?? Or am I thinking about someone else?
one of my favourites is that down here where Redneckdom lives and thrives, radio commentators are still busting CLINTON'S chops over the whole Monica Lewinski deal, ages gone as it is. The knee-jerk, blinders-on, militant party affiliation worries me much.
I can handle dumb. Dumb is annoying, but I can tolerate. I CAN NOT STAND the arrogance. The bastard thinks he's smart! It is way beyond annoying. It's torture.
Bubbles, I think the same. He's arrogant. I CAN'T stand to watch any speaches of his. It makes me want to hurl.
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