I figured when he was asked about it in yesterday's republican debate that he'd try to deny it or at least parse it in some way so that he didn't look like such a lunatic. No dice. He actually said something (I couldn't find the exact quote) to the effect that any serious presidential candidate should be supporting this option.
Tom, Tom, Tom. Hold up a sec. Don't you think that's, I don't know, a bit soft? I mean, where's the suffering? Just bombing them lets them off a bit easy, don'tcha think? Wouldn't a more symbolic gesture be more appropriate? How about we anally sodomize all those innocent Muslims you want to bomb with large crucifixes, then make them listen to 48 hours of old Falwell sermons, THEN bomb them. That way they'll really see the error of their ways.
See, Tom, that's the Christian thing to do. It's all about hearts and minds...
This is the intellect of a sitting congressman and presidential candidate? Fucking fuck fuck fuckity fuck. Norway, here I fucking come!
Thank you for writing about this before I got to it.
Ugh. I try and come up with something clever or funny to say in response to something like a Tancredo, and I'm just dumbfounded.
I weep for the future.
He looks suspiciously unelectable.
And he comes from Colorado... I am so embarrassed.
Huh... What about the Virgin Mary dildo?? Or maybe the The Diving Nun suction base dildo?? Naah, let's first use the The Satanic dildo and then the other ones. Maybe we should start their hair and beards on fire, too, before we bomb them to atoms??
Sky Dad, there's a whole passle of folk who make me embarassed to be HUMAN. What an uber-turd.
Oh, how neglectful of me. I forgot to include the purple "Jackhammer Jesus" crucifix dildo, as per your recommendations.
Actually, let's use it on HIM, first... You know, that whole "do unto others as you'd do unto your own ass" sorta' philosophy.
I want to know what the hell the deleted comment was?!
No really, Tancredo is well, a nut-what else can you say?
Grant- Anytime.
Bubs- Yeah, it's hard to find humor in that sort of madness.
Flannery- Thankfully, you're right.
S.D.- I don't blame you.
B.O.- All good suggestions...
Micgar- I'm not sure. I didn't delete it. The author must have.
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