So Megan had found these inexpensive tiles that were actually pretty nice looking. It didn't seem like it'd be a tough job. My bathroom is small. Unfortunately, there are a lot of corners and not everything is quite square. The instructions said that the tile could be cut with scissors. This proved untrue. I should tell you that I can get frustrated when it comes to working with uncooperative building materials. When that happens, the swearing is soon to follow. I like to call things "pieces of shit" or variations thereof, such as:
- stupid piece of shit
- shitty-ass bitch piece of shit
- cocksucking asshole piece of shit
- fucking stupid-ass garbage piece of shit
- Crap-assing son of a suck dick fucking ballsack piece of shit
After that was completed, I constructed a very rudimentary desktop to be used as a computer workspace. Then I helped Megan finish painting the living/dining rooms. It looks fucking boss. Next time you're in the area, stop by and check it out.
*Edited to add: I couldn't find a picture I liked that was relevant to this post, so I just put up a picture of Cooter from "Dukes Of Hazzard".
My girlfriend knows to leave the house when I do any home improvement thing because I get evil when I work.
I spent most of the summer on my aging sprinkler system. Every part I would replace would cause a cascade failure of the next part down the line! I brought out my old Navy words, and Kathy had to come outside and tell me to keep it down.
Ohh man! I used the same stuff for our old townhouse's kitchen! What a job that was! I used pillows under my knees but still I could not walk right for days! The scissor method didn't always work for me either! Invariably, the tile would crack or I would cut it wrong and then have to start over. I can see how you would cuss non-stop!
This summer I worked on installing and redoing some of the drip irrigation we have. That wasn't too bad once the trench was dug.
You can never go wrong with a shot of Cooter.
My mom has stopped asking me to do little fix it jobs around her house for this very same reason.
Just start getting stoned right before doing all home improvement. It really helps your mood, if you don't mind the occasional visit to the ER.
Chris, Chris, Chris...
Get yourself a $99 Ryobi table saw, and / or a kick-ass box cutter (spring for the more expensive one with the little storage place for new blades).. wear good gloves, buy some extra tiles, take a deep breath and tell yourself,
"I'm smarter than every shitheal that ever dreamed of this project, and I'll make it work."
For me, once I start swearing I've lost the battle.
*I'm so full of shit. You should have heard me swearing at the closet organizers this weekend! I recall me babbling something about stupid white male American engineers... (Mr. Ex was a white male American engineer), and the stuff from IKEA (sweden) was much, much easier to put together. (o.k., o.k., I some displaced anger...)
However, I've noticed that once I loose it, everything just keeps failing.
Oh, and Vikki, I've noticed that when I'm drilling holes (I don't have a hammer drill), and I don't have the upper body strength for getting the job done, I climb higher on the ladder, stand on one leg on the top rung, I risk my life, and scream, "You GD Bitch!". For some reason it makes the drill just press right on through any, any, any material.
It had better be nice! The UCF and I expect a certain level of luxury on our weekend trips...
Oh, and 'son-of-a-cunt' has become a personal favorite when household projects aren't going my way...
You're a swear master.
I too am a frequent patron of the "piece of shit" library with respect to frustration swearing. Furthermore, I too freak out certain companions (both human and animal) with my frustration screaming. It is best to do it alone, but it doesn't always work out that way. I'm grateful I don't have kids to behave like this in front of.
Good choice on the cooter picture.
Golly gee, Chris. Your accelerating versions of "pieces of shit" amused me more than anything else I've read today. You are sooooo creative!
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