How much do you think the U.S. would let the White House go for? Like, say some country offered us a trillion dollars, would we take it? Ten trillion? I mean, we could always build another one and have a shitload of money left over. Plus, when you build the new one, you could fill it with all sorts of kick ass new shit. As I understand it, a lot of that crap in the current White House is pretty old.
Did you write this while sitting on the "new" couch?
I think that only way we should let the White House go is if the current head honcho is part of the deal. It's a package. You gotta take it all. Please. In fact, we could take a break even price if they'll take the package deal Chris. Don't you think?
tis one way to balance da' budget.
I say, "what the hey!" lets give it a try!!
I'd buy it.
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