...and you haven't seen it yet, add
"Touch Of Evil" to your list. This is film-noir at its finest. It's got everything: explosions, corrupt cops, alcoholism, prostitution, narcotics, guns, and LOTS of darkness. Orson Welles is unbelievably good as Hank Quinlan, the 300+ lb. corrupt cop. I put his performance up there with Brando's in "On The Waterfront". He's able to bring subtlety to a larger-than-life character. It's beautifully filmed as well. My only beef is they went a little overboard with Heston's make-up.
I love this movie! Got to catch it on the big screen about five years ago. Good call, Some Guy.
This is one of my all time favorite films! I've seen it at least a half dozen times, and it keeps getting better: Charlton Heston's faux-Mexican perma-tan, Dennis Weaver's squirrelly hotel clerk, and Orson Welles...wow! And the soundtrack, with the bongos!
My favorite quote is Marlene Dietrich's toward the end:
"He was some kind of a man..."
Fab movie! Maybe you need to open some sort of classic movie theater up there in Boyne City. You and Megan could serve jerky and show all the classics.
"It's got everything: explosions, corrupt cops, alcoholism, prostitution, narcotics, guns, and LOTS of darkness."
Yeah, but it's also got some bad stuff, too...
The best opening shot, ever.
My beef is with them turning marijuana into something it's not, ala "Reefer Madness," but I imagine that was the only way to get it past the code.
My ex used to do a really funny impression of Heston in ToE. He would hold the cat's tail under his nose to simulate Heston's cheesy mexi-stache, put on that toothy grimace, and drone in that inimitable Heston way "I'm a Mexican lawyer named Vargas."
I believe the makeup Heston used in the film was Max Factor Dark Conquistador #15, but I could be mistaken.
This is one of my favorites, too.
I just had a l'il movie quote quiz on my blog, where I included Heston's line "Do you realize I haven't kissed you in over an hour?"
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