Alright, my little cherubs. I am off to what some refer to as the "Cradle of Democracy", the Commonwealth of Virginia. First, I drive to Chicago to then fly to Norfolk to connect with Megan, then we drive to Charlottesville to attend my dad's wedding. Then we go back to Norfolk to load all her shtuff onto a truck. Then we head west toward Chicago. Then Michigan.
I will try to post along the way if I can. I'll miss you all terribly until we talk again.
do you ever work?
you're so god damn lucky!!!!!
Best of luck to you and Megan with the move and all that it entails.
Did you clean the bathroom? Remember who you have moving in.
Best wishes for a safe trip Chris. Keep the rubber side down as they say...
What a glorious trip it will be!
Exciting times, Chris! Enjoy!
Drive carefully, okay?
good luck and have fun.
no beef jerky stops, you hear!
Have a safe trip you guys!
If your relationship survives that trip, you are all set!!!
Safe journey!
Wish I could meet you in Chicago, but I will be in San Francisco. Have a safe trip.
Have a safe journey. You will be missed.
Correction: cradle of American civilization.
I love Charlottesville. Have a wonderful time ... and isn't it going to be exciting when you get back home!!!!!!
I'll miss you, Chris. You have NO idea... well maybe you do.. i hope..
Ditto what Vikki said - if she's still with you by the time you get to Detroit, it's true love.
For what it's worth, Thomas Jefferson never felt like his house was finished. He built, changed, and added on for his whole life. That might be a good thing to keep in mind as you set off on this historic journey. As an old married man, I can tell you, everything is flexable, just have plenty of beer around, and steer clear of decorating decisions; she has already made her mind up as to where the sofa and art belong from her first visit.
God's speed. You are sorely missed.
Chris- I'm afraid I committed a while back to staying in with my kids that night so Kim could go out to some function. Bummer-- I'd hoped to make it to this one!
Didn't someone say that VA was "almost heaven"??
And did Chris leave anyone the keys to his apartment like he did the LAST time he skipped town??
Fun! Good luck with the move!
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