Whether Ms. Hilton is returned to jail or continues her house arrest, I take some small pleasure from knowing she was subjected to a cavity search.
My friend, Dave, and I were talking about it last night. Normally, if your job was to perform cavity searches on inmates, you'd probably keep it to yourself. However, I can see whoever got to perform Paris's procedure parlaying this into big bucks, perhaps a book deal. At the very least, I hope they saved the glove. That baby's got e-bay written all over it!
You are always able to see the silver lining, Chris. Your optimism knows no bounds.
Man, they missed a big pay-per-view oppurtunity there, didn't they?
I bet there's other stuff all over that glove besides ebay.
what will the bidding start at, do-yuh thunk?? in the 100's or will they jump right to 1k??
Paris probably enjoyed it..
I hope they recovered my class ring.
I'd buy it.
I wonder if she has an allergy to latex? maybe she got a high colonic before she went to jail, just to make sure she was really clean up there.
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