...but my blood is boiling. First off,
You are trash. You are hate incarnate. In fact, I have to give you some credit. Your hate has inspired so much anger in me that I actually feel ashamed of the effect you've had on me. In this regard, you have been successful.
Shame on all of you that provide Ms. Cuntrod with a forum on your little news shows and your little talk shows. How dare you try to pawn off this gutter-mouthed bitch as some legitimate political mind whose opinions we should value or even consider. How many more ludicrous, venomous things must she say before you sideline her? Ask yourselves this, you greedy executives who know that a dose of Coulter means a little extra dough, are you serving the interest of humanity by promoting her ideas? Are you proud of yourselves? I imagine you don't care, as long as you make your yacht payments. Sleep tight knowing how much good you are doing, m'kay?
Fuck you Chris Matthews. I'll never watch you again, unless you apologize for ever having Coulter on and for saying that she is a great writer. You, sir, cannot read. She is fucking awful, even by right-wing hack author standards. Why don't you have me on? I'll lie and call people names for free, you fucking nitwit. Better yet, have Charles Manson on to talk about politics. He's equally nutty and I bet he'd draw even better ratings than Coulter. I mean, as long as integrity is not an issue, go hog wild!
I'm sorry for all this. I'm really not an angry person. I'm just so tired of it all. I wish I was the type of person that could just ignore it or at least let it go. I'm trying real hard, but people like Ann and Dick Cheney and O'Reilly make it so damn tough.
I have to plead total ignorance and say I avoid all these types of shows, at all costs.
I like knowing what is going on in the world but I feel I can't get a straight, truthful answer so what's the point.
Is the truth out there at all? what channel is it on?
Or is it John Stewart?
Aside from the rating she brings, how does she get away with it? Is it just the rating, or does she have dirt on everyone?
Why does she feel she can say insulting things about those she disagrees with, and then be disappointed when they let her know they don't like her.... like her last book: "how to talk to a liberal, if you must".. That's pretty insulting, Ann.
I don't understand why anyone thinks Matthews has even one teeny tiny bit of credibility. He's a total hobag.
What about her body language. The little black dress,pulling at her hair, the crossed legs, the smirk. It's all an indication of her low self esteem, and her belief that she must appear sexy in order to be heard. Hateful insults are how she gets attention. She must have been ignored a great deal of her life.
Teri- Jon Stewart is as close as we get to journalism it seems.
Phil- No doubt she is savvy. I think she depends on the fact that people don't call her on her shit out of fear of appearing petty, but by that point her garbage is already out there. She is crafty.
Dick- She is delusional.
Frank- Hey, you're entitled. Rant away!
Vikki- There have been a few (very few) occasions I've seen Matthews hold people's feet to the fire on certain things and I've briefly thought, "Hmm, maybe he gets it." But most of the time his mouth gets going to fast for his brain to keep up.
Cheer- She certainly has some personal issues. I'd dig them up, but I don't want to sink to her level.
I loathe her.
I was also shocked to see Coulter have her own hour on Hard Ball. As for Matthews....he's had his issues but he's also done some good. He was the only political show to talk about the Plamegate investigation...he talked about it everynight. Cheney was so worried that he had his people give him a transcript of each show.
I couldn't agree more that the hate-filled Coulter should never be in front of a camera....but I do have to say that I like the fact that she's a mouth piece for the righties out there. Makes them look that much more stupid!
She has alien hands
Not even if she was the last reproducing female on the planet and our whole race depended on it. Sorry!
It's so classy of her to make fun of John & Elizabeth Edwards for having lost one of their children. I heard that in her spare time she beats orphans with a stick.
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