Have you ever, in your life, heard anyone who was disgruntled say "Harumph"?
Didn't think so.
By the way, do not misconstrue this post to mean I am in any way disgruntled. I've been having a great time in Virginia. It was just one of those things that popped into my head.
I have heard the shortened "humph" though...
Me too, bubs, but I've been dealing with government employees lately. I think they go to special training classes to learn to say it with that special "and I suck and I want to punish you for it" tone.
Is harumph really a word?
Only on British TV...
"Have you ever, in your life, heard anyone who was disgruntled say "Harumph"?"
Go over to Lynchberg, Vir-ginny and see if they don't...
I used to just say "Hmmff" when I'm disgruntled. But lately I have been trying to say it the correct way. So yes, I do say "harumph" now.
what? I harumph all the time, esp. in print!! HAVEN'T YEW BEAN PAYING ATTENTION TO ANYTHING I'VE BEEN SAYING?!
Just for that, you'll have to help me throw Mt. Hood into the ocean!!
I harrumph sometimes, but it is probably Big Orange's influence on me.
Oh and by the way, one of my most favorite t-shirts was:
To call me disgruntled implys I was ever gruntled to begin with.
I think I've said "harumph" in an ironic manner. Sadly it was not in a disgruntled manner.
There is an imaginary creature that gives my son rides around the apartment called "Harumph-a-doo"
Hey Chris, any updates on the hooch n smooch at Club Lago?
Isn't it like one of those onamonapia(sp) terms?
Bubs- At least that sounds a little more like the sound a disgruntled person makes. By the way, no changes to the original meet & greet. After 6PM this Saturday at Club Lago. I hope you can make it!
Bubbles- I think it's a college course.
Cheer- Not in my book.
S.D.- Crazy British...
WP- I avoid Lynchburglke the plague.
Cherry- You crazy!
B.O.- Somehow this doesn't surprise me.
Flann- He's contagious, isn't he.
K.I.D.- I think that's permissible.
Dave- Is he any relation to Snuffleupagus
Grant- I suppose, it just doesn't sound anything like the sound that's made.
Harumphh is a word that my family uses all the time. It's kind of a joke.
I say harumph (also spelled hrumph, hrrumph) all the time, but especially when I'm cranky. In fact, I'm feeling rather cranky right now, so let me just say this: hrrumph. And many more.
Is pfffft the same thing?
"WP- I avoid Lynchburg like the plague."
I was wondering if it has changed at all since I was there way back in '80. Of course back then, the theme from "Deliverance" wasn't played with banjos, but with an "elevator music" orchestra.
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