So, if it's true that Cheney admitted he is not part of the executive branch of the government, does that mean we don't have to bother trying to impeach him? Can we take the statement as his resignation?
This fuck-ass fuck is such a shitcock it's stunning. Any claim he might make in the future that he loves our country or that he treasures our democracy should be treated as the steaming pile of crapulence that it is. He does NOT love democracy. He LOATHES it. He thinks he is special. He thinks he knows best. He thinks he's in charge.
He is not special. He doesn't know best. He may know worst, but not best.
Most importantly, he's not in charge. Contrary to everything they and the media might suggest, WE are in charge. He must answer TO US. If he chooses not to, he must leave. Case mother-fucking closed.
... "steaming pile of crapulence".. hahahahaa!!
Tell us how you really feel.
Phew! It's a good thing his name ain't "Freedom"!
..just when you think they can't get any worse, the Bushies pull a new stunt.
that was a GREAT rant!
Never has there been an office-holder with bigger sense of entitlement and smaller sense of responsibility to the people that are forced to rely upon him.
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