Top five dramas:
-Star Wars: I know that most people consider "Empire..." the best of the bunch (and it is phenomenal, no doubt), but for me "Star Wars" was the one that had the biggest impact.
-The Godfather: Just so freaking good. You know. You've all seen it. Tell me you've seen it!
-Gandhi: Like Frank, I'm a big fan of the grand David Lean films and although this isn't Lean's work, it's Lean-esque in its scale. Kingsley's performance is transcendent. Plus, Gandhi was pretty awesome.
-On The Waterfront: I think Brando's performance is one of the best I've ever seen here.
-Goodfellas: What can I say? I love me some mob movies. Sorry to be a copycat, Frank.
Top five comedies:
- Dazed & Confused: I guess this qualifies as a comedy, but it's really so much more. The character studies and different subtle interactions make this a film I can watch anytime.
-Office Space: I've already talked about this one HERE.
-Best In Show: So many great bits. Fred Willard steals the show.
-Animal House: Another "anytime" movie.
-The Big Lebowski: Like "Dazed...", this is pretty much a comedy and it's magical.
Top five foreign films:
-Battle Of Algiers: A riveting film that plays like a documentary about the Algerian revolt against the French during the fifties. A must-see considering our experience in Iraq.
-8-1/2: Didn't like it at first, but it's lush and beautiful.
-City Of God: Gritty film about gang life outside Rio.
-Fitzcarraldo: Epic tale of a crazy guy in the Amazon. Beautifully shot.
-Amelie: A fun, feel-good movie. Audrey Tautou is cute as a button.
Top five documentaries:
-Grey Gardens: I talked about it HERE.
-Fast, Cheap, & Out Of Control: I talked about it HERE.
-American Movie: A story about an average dude and his dream. Great portrait of a true midwesterner.
-Chain Camera: A great piece of verite where high school students were given free reign to film their lives. Great stuff.
-Baraka: Who knew a film with ZERO dialogue could be so captivating. It may not be classified as a documentary, but it's close enough. Amazingly beautiful. See it if you haven't.
Thank you for saying American Movie. The first half hour I watched it, I was convinced it was a mockumentary. How could real life be so fucking brilliant and funny? Great film!
Grey Gardens scares the hell out of me.
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