I turn 34-years-old today. 34 was the number of Walter "Sweetness" Payton, the lone reason I was able to watch the Bears in my early youth without slitting my wrists. Anyone familiar with the pre-1985 Bears squads knows of the massive amount of suck they exhibited. Walter was the only thing worth watching. The entire Bears offensive strategy could be summed up in four words - give it to Walter. He was the only guy on the team that seemed to want to win. He fought for every yard, often turning what looked like a 2-yard run into 8 or 9. I hope Coach Ditka can sleep at night knowing he "gave" that dope Refrigerator Perry a Super Bowl touchdown rather than Walter.
You're so old, fossils look at you and say, "shit, that guy's old!"
Happy birthday, Monkey-Balls!
Happy Birthday.
I also think Mr. Payton enjoyed playing football because he acknowledged that running the ball is like fucking.
The 1984 Bears were almost great, if I remember. 13-3?
You may be right, but as our friend above you always says, "They couldn't muster up the guts to win a simple world championship."
1984 Chicago Bears were 10-6. Lost in NFC Championship 23-0 to the San Francisco 49ers.
1985 Chicago Bears were 15-1. Super Bowl XX Champions!
Da Bears (woof, woof, woof)!
Ah. Thanks for the clarification, Frank. Woof.
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