After that sleazy last post, I think I may need to win some of you back. I was in a college fraternity (bad start). Remember in college that really dorky fraternity full of engineering students? Well, we were the ones they made fun of. Besides a few close friendships, one of the best parts of my fraternity experience was the
Journey Of Hope. It was a charitable cross-country bike ride from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. to raise money and awareness for the severely disabled. It was made up of Pi Kappa Phi members from chapters all over the U.S. In order to qualify, I was required to raise $4000 in sponsorships. The ride lasted two months and totaled about 3500 miles. We had a crew with support vehicles, so we only had to carry what we needed on the road. Along the way we did a lot of visits to group homes and put on puppet shows for kids to teach them about what it's like to have different disablilties. I'm the guy with the mop of white hair, back row, eighth from the left. I'm mentioning this not just to dig myself out of a blogging hole, but because this year's team is about to finish their ride any day now and it's been on my mind. I've been following a blog kept by one of this year's team
HERE. They've stayed in many of the same places I did and shared a lot of the same experiences. It's a great charity, so if you're looking for a cause to throw some money at, I recommend it.
1 comment:
You are a far better human than I...
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