My job is to do — is to do two things, one, remind people about the war on terror, and remind them that we're doing everything we can to protect them, so that they're able to go about their lives. In other words, what you don't want is, you don't want an economy to shut down because people are worried about the next terrorist attack. It's a — you know, it's — you want the environment for — for people taking risks to be such that people say, "I understand that there's a War on Terror, but I'm still willing to take risk. You know, taking risk in our system is how people form businesses and how jobs are created. And, so, I — I — I'm not surprised that some have said, "Well, this war is really not a war anymore." But I know it's a war and I think about it every day of my presidency. I think about Al Qaeda every day. I'm asking questions all the time: Are we doing everything we can to protect this country? - George W. Bush in an interview with Neil Cavuto of...guess who...Fox News, July 31, 2006
There you have it. He's only got to do two things: Remind us of the (neverending) War On Terrah AND remind they're doing everything they can. I mean, come on! That's HARD WORK! It just makes you want to cry. Either that or dig a big hole and crawl into until he's gone.
This reminds me of my favorite light bulb joke:
How many government workers does it take to change a light bulb?
Two: One to tell the public that everything that can be done is being done and the other to screw the lightbulb into a faucet.
I've never heard that one, but I plan on using it. Remember the glory days when we had presidents who could speak coherently? Sure, they might have been evil, but at least you didn't feel like you were listening to a 3-year-old with a mouthful of animal crackers. That would actually be an improvement. I could sit through that.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's called Jan. 20, 2009. I, for one, can't wait for it.
Dear Askinstoo:
Really? What was it you were looking for? Perhaps it was my essay on hemorrhoids? Or maybe it was my toughts on Bill O'Reilly? Do tell...
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