The common perception is that single men who own cats are effeminate, creepy, or both. Well, I am a single male, I have a cat, and I'm neither. His name is "The Assman" (yes, named for the famous Seinfeld episode). He is a Maine Coon Cat. He is not a typical cat in that he's more like a dog. He is not aloof like most cats. He comes to the door each day when I get home from work. He speaks on command. He's not timid around people or other animals. He is loyal. One day, at my old place, I was getting home from work. I was surprised that he wasn't waiting at the door like he usually did. I looked around the house and found him staring into a corner behind the water heater. I guessed that he had cornered a mouse, something that seldom happened, but something I had gotten used to living in the woods. After about an hour he was still back there, so I decided to check on him. He wasn't there. The bathroom off that room's door was cracked. Odd, I thought, he never goes in there. I open the door to find the cat cornering a 2.5-foot long Milk Snake

that had its head cocked, hissing. Scared the living shit out of me! The cat sat calmly, not attacking, just guarding. I went and found a box, slowly trapped the snake underneath and drove it down the road to a park. I have no idea how it got in and never saw another one.
Goooood kitty cat, good boy! My dogs wouldn't have been that brave.
I've never thought of a single man with cats as odd. Then again, I'm a cat person and immune to associating cat-owning with oddness.
Way to go, Kitty! I'm not sure I would have been able to deal with the snake, though...without a shot gun, that is.
We have a Ragdoll and he is large, very social and a most excellent bug catcher. He knocks them down out of flight and eats them. Good Eddy! Ragdolls are supposed to be these really placid lap cats. I think someone forgot to tell Ed.
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