I knew this guy didn't do it. I'd like to thank our outstanding media for an utter waste of everyone's time. I would expect Mr. Karr to parlay his notoriety into some sort of "Reality TV" appearance - maybe the next season of "The Surreal Life" or perhaps a new show called "Weird-Ass Dudes Who Confess To Disgusting Crimes And Don't Mind The Fact That Their Shit Is Gonna Get Fucked With In Prison, No Doubt, Even Though They Didn't Do It". Bear in mind this is just a working title.
Can't he be locked up for something? I have kids still.
It's kinda long. (let's nobody make one of those "that's what SHE said" jokes)
If he's not being charged with anything, can't they get him some fucking HELP for his complete and utter fucked-up-ness?! Like maybe require it or something? Is it a crime to confess to a crime you didn't commit?
I agree with big orange...this man is full of the creep factor and usually it takes a mustache to flare that alarm for me.
How about "Getting out of a Thai Prison by Confessing to a US Extridition-Worthy Crime That You Know, Thanks to DNA Evidence, You Cannot Be Convicted of Committing"?
The guy's a freakin' genius, y'all.
Is he wearing eye-liner? The list of men who can successfully pull off eyeliner is pretty small, and this guy isn't on it.
Good point Lulu...
Chris, you should compile that list for us.
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