I don't consider myself either a democrat or republican. I think that both these parties have created a system in which they are untouchable and completely insulated from any sort of real scrutiny. Sure, every few years a couple deck chairs are rearranged, but as far as real progress or innovation when it comes to new ways to address old problems, these two parties have done jack shit in my opinion. It's probably obvious to my readers that I tend more towards the democrats, but I hate to be lumped in with them. There are plenty of democrats who still support failed policies and platforms such as the death penalty, the "war on drugs", antiquated views on gay marriage, and who continue to bring up the ridiculous idea of a "war on terror".
One thing that the republicans have always had in their back pockets was the ability to claim, by some strange distortion of the transitive property, that because the left is so anti-war, we are rooting for our enemies in most cases. In fact, I think Vice President Dick "Palpatine" Cheney just compared Connecticut voters, participating in their nation's democracy, to Al Qaeda sympathizers. I don't blame them. It's easy subterfuge and is emotional, if not dishonest and misleading. What I've noticed, especially recently, is that there is a glee that the republicans show every time there is some sort of terror warning or threat. They get fucking giddy that, thanks to the fact they have the populace scared shitless, another warning can only help their poll numbers and justify their inequities. Is it a good idea to keep in power a group that's success is so closely tied to the existence of the threat of terrorism? Is it in the best interest of republicans that terrorism be eliminated once and for all? I'd say no, but I'm afraid it might make baby Jesus cry.
These colors don't bleed, Chris. If you don't like how we do it in the USA, maybe you should leave (oh, by the way, don't let Canada hit you in the ass on your way out!).
I'll start packing. I can tell when I'm not wanted. There's got to be somewhere that my freedom-hating will be appreciated. Oh, by the way, I think you meant to say these colors don't RUN.
Don't tell me what I meant to say, pinko subversive!
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