O.K. I know what you're thinking. A documentary about movie editing sounds about as interesting as (insert lame cliche of something that's really boring). I suppose it would be to people who aren't big movie fans. However, for those of us who watch a lot of film, this was a real eye-opener. Until watching this I hadn't considered the tremendous influence editors have over the movies we see. A bunch of well-known filmmakers like Scorsese and Spielberg contribute their thoughts on the importance of good editing. We also get to see a sort of timeline of clips from films that are considered innovative in terms of their editing. Seeing this film has really affected how I watch movies. If you are interested in the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes on in movie making, you'll probably like this film.
This movie is the next movie in my queue! Weird.
I watched the Confederate States of American last night, btw. Pretty good.
Cool! That is weird. I think you'll like it. If you see anything you like that isn't on my list at www.andsomeguy.com/films, let me know. I'm always looking for recommendations.
Christ, dude, those lists are way too fucking long.
Have you seen a doc called The Celluloid Closet?
I love that doc. I watch it every single time it's on IFC or whatever.
Vikki-I haven't seen it, but I'll check it out.
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