
A Confession...

I like this whole blog thing. It's been a lot of fun. I've been able to poke fun at politicians and show business-types, and I've encountered a lot of people who are extremely funny and nice. Now it's time to get serious. Time to open up to you - the reader. What better place to bear my innermost feelings than to a bunch of faceless internet surfers. The time has come to emerge from the shadows and reveal my true self. Deep breath. O.K. Here goes...

I am a pacifist.

Whew. Man. That felt good. Some of you are probably saying to yourselves, "So what? What's the big deal?" Well, you'd be amazed how many people have gotten pissed off when I tell them this. People really get upset. Enough so that I'm cautious to ever bring it up. Their first reaction is to think I'm joking. Then they get combative. They tend to use the same hypothetical to prove the folly of my position. It usually involves me, a miscellaneous loved one, and some sort of attacker. They ask, "So, if your loved one was being attacked, you'd just sit there and not fight back?" I wouldn't fight back, but I wouldn't sit there. I would do everything I could to extricate myself and my loved one from the situation. "What about self defense? Say someone walked up and punched you in the nose. You wouldn't hit them back?" No. And you know what? I have made it 34 years without ever being punched in the nose. The last time I even have a memory of being in a fight was probably with my younger brother when we were little. So a lot of it has to do with positioning myself so that I'm never put in a situation where I might be tempted to retaliate.

Why are you a pacifist? That is complicated and requires a long explanation. A lot of it has to do with what I believe. I'm not a religious person, but I do believe that this incarnation is not our last. I know there is no way to know this for certain, but I believe it. Because of this, I feel like if I'm going to be back, I want to live the way I eventually want the world to be. See, I can actually envision a world free of violence. I know it sounds insane and unrealistic, but I can picture it in my head. I also believe that violence begets violence. If you disagree, give me an example of a war that put an end to war. Tough to do. A common misconception is that a pacifist is someone who's always happy - head in the clouds - someone that never gets angry. I think those of you that have read my stuff for a while know I'm not like that. I get fucking steamed sometimes. I just choose not to let those feelings manifest themselves physically. I actually love to talk about shit like this with open-minded people. Sorry to be so heavy. Quick, someone tell a good fart joke.


dirty said...

I would be the same as you Chris...I avoid all conflict and cringe at the thought. Now I am married you a man who grew up in a family where fighting is the answer to all and even if not needed, it tops off the evening as good. This makes me uncomfortable and hide in corners a lot at family reunions. I think you are more of a "man" being just the way you are...

...and I don't know any fart jokes because I am a loser...there is my confession.

Moderator said...

I'm cool with you being a pacifist and all, but can I punch you in the nose anyway?

vikkitikkitavi said...

I prefer the Atlantic Ocean, but to each his own, I guess.

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Why do farts stink?

So that deaf people can enjoy them too.

Some Guy said...

Flannery, thanks for that!

dirty said...

Flannery is a fart expert!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

You're welcome, Chris. I like to do what I can to accommodate the requests of blogfriends. And since farts fall into my sphere of expertise, I felt duty-bound to comply.

Megan said...

I don't even like killing bugs. My mom recently told me that all those times I went to her crying about my sister hitting me when we were kids, she just wished I would hit her back and be done with it. I literally can't even imagine hitting someone. I absolutely abhor violence. I can barely deal with yelling.