Some of you remember Paul Begala from CNN's Crossfire. He, along with bow-tied douche Tucker Carlson were summarily shredded by Jon Stewart in the now infamous episode. Despite being a high-profile liberal, Paul attended a recent event called the President's Dinner, some hotshot republican fundraiser, and sent an e-mail to democrats afterward describing his experience:
"You should have seen the joint: wall to wall fat-cats. The limos were lined up around the block. If you’d stood in the middle of the ballroom and yelled, ‘Hey dirtbag!’ a thousand necks would have snapped around."OK, not bad. Naturally, republicans feigned disgust at Begala's statement, claiming he was "over the line".
To his credit, Begala held his ground and fired back at the republicans:
"The Bush Republicans questioned the courage of a hero like Max Cleland. They besmirched the war heroism of John Kerry. They smeared Bill Clinton, savaged Hillary, attacked Sen. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Howard Dean, but when I call their fat-cat funders 'dirtbags,' they cry like babies. They are wimpy, whiny wussies."Now don't get me wrong. Any time someone wants to call republicans on their ridiculous faux indignation, I'm a happy guy. The thing is, Begala blew it. I know he had this whole alliteration thing going on, but let's face it, only a complete fuckin' pussy uses the word "wussies" instead of "pussies". Wussy is a just a watered-down version of pussy. If he had any stones, he would have come out and called them pussies, which is what they are.
Sorry, Paul. Close, but you were one word away...