I woke up this morning to learn that one of my heroes, comedian
George Carlin died of heart failure. I'm really at a loss for what to say, other than he had an enormous influence not only on my sense of humor, but on how I look at the world and the intricacies of language.
It's a sad day for me. I will be praying to Joe Pesci and "The Big Electron" for his safe arrival in heaven. Fans of George will know what I'm talking about.
Bless you, George.
He cannot be replaced. And we really need his kind of voice too. Damn. Buy, ya know, I can almost hear him poking fun at us about this - how we are reacting to his passing. Damn again.
He was the classic example of a guy not wanting to be in the driver's seat - but he was because lots of people 'got' what he was saying and then wanted to go for the ride. And that so different from politics, religion and the bosses who demand the driver's seat.
George was our Buddha, the guy with the words that drew you in and once in, it was grand.
Alas, he will be missed.
OMG, I had no idea... Jesus, why doesn't anyone TELL me these things?!
Where's the black cloth-- I"m making an armband...
We lost a lot of laughs & a huge voice of reason.
There is just nobody like him out there, he made us see the humor in our stupid lives.
I think of him every time I buy blueberries (that aren't really blue).
someone at work said "who's he?"
i almost slapped him!!
what a voice for those who are not happy with things "just the way they are." What a loss. I can't think of anyone right now that could do the kind of material that he did.
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