I know there are plenty of people who love 'em
and I'm sure they are perfectly nice and lovable,
but they kind of weird me out.
Not to the point where I can't be around them, mind you.
I mean, it's not like I'll run away shrieking if I see one.
I just prefer my cats un-smushed.
So do all you people with smush-face cats hate me now?
I don't blame you.
I bet you don't like black cats either, do you, Hitler?
I agree with you on this one. They make me uncomfortable too.
poor lil' bastards.
falwless - One of our cats IS black and I can tell you he definitely favors the other one.
When I see an ugly animal it brings me down. Then when I kick it - I'm back up again.
I'm with you, it's just not natural and frankly rather disturbing.
i had a smush face cat as a kid
he was the best cat..... he lived to be 22.....
i still miss smushy
I can't stand them and the breeder who started this trend should have their face smushed as well...though I do love that one pic of the one with the melon helmet.
they creep me out
Sweetness (my daughter) loves them, but she's 14, so I don't think it counts. She also likes Corgies and these stumpy cats called Munchkins. Should I worry?
Not to mention they snore like a mutha...
vagina-faced cats. humans are cruel.
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