Well, after some shitty, non-summer-y weather recently, I've made some progress on my carving. I was able to finish the carving on
Dr. Monkey's perch (it's on the little stool). This one is a cute little rock bass and one that I've never done before. I used to think it was cool to do really big fish, but after finishing a few, I think I'm gonna focus on ones in the 4"-8" range. Like I mentioned, I am going to concentrate on the carving phase while it's nice out and do the painting when it gets cold.

You can see that I generate a lot of sawdust. I also sunburned the shit out of my thighs.

Sometimes my carvings are so realistic, I mistake them for real fish and try to eat them.
If there are others who still want to place an order and didn't on the
LAST POST, leave them in the comments. I know it's weird to get something for nothing in this day and age, but I'm serious. If I have a long list, it motivates me to work on them. Remember, it may take a long time until you get yours, even years, but you will get it.
Oooh! That sunburn looks painful. Why not get some sunscreen the next time you're out. Don't burn yourself on our account.
That sunburn DOES look painful. Nice that you're protecting your lungs, though. But please don't chance melanoma on our account.
If you can make one in the shape of a bigfoot I may be interested (if i can get a few people to pitch in with me).
I would like to state for the record that sunscreen was suggested several times throughout the day. . .
Ouch. What address should I send the aloe vera?
Is that bag of charcoal there as a warning to the fish about what will happen if they don't turn out to your liking?
I know that even wooden fish can look tasty, Chris, but are you really EATING one in that last pic?
weeks, months, years...i'm sure i'll see a fish before i see my firstborn.
Dude I can't wait to get my fish!
I didn't think of this until now - I need a wooden fish to attach to Evil Genuis' painting that I bought. Tobiko keeps eating the real ones.
I can't wait for my Trout!
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