My sister sent me an e-mail with a
real estate listing for the house we grew up in. This is the house that I lived in from birth until after college. Unlike many families, mine never moved. I have lot of great memories of this place. There were tons of kids on our block and we lived right next to the
Illinois Prairie Path, perfect for fort-building and other unsupervised mischief. My block wasn't a "thru" street, so there was rarely traffic or noise. This meant that we could play Nerf football and wiffle-ball in the middle of the street with little worry of getting hit. Looking back, it really was ideal.
This is the first time I've seen pictures of the interior since my mom sold it about ten years ago. It's weird to see how it's changed. My sister and I both ripped on the owner's choices. "The TV doesn't go there! Why'd they move the kitchen table!?" She is going to check it out in person and take some more pics when there's an open house. If any of you are looking for a great place to raise kids in suburban Chicago, I highly recommend this one.
I think my parents bought it in the early 70's for $30,000. It's now listed at $540,000.
Val- I don't blame you. I'd be heartbroken if they tore this down and built a McMansion.
ElmFest was a huge deal when we were kids. If you go, take some pics and post them!
I always pictured you as the fort building type. (whatever that means :o) )
I just got back from ElmFest, or Sample Elmhurst if you wanna be old school. It's grown alot. Pics to come.
We hope to buy a house here in Elmhurst. I've been very impressed with it since returning. It really is a great place to live and raise a family.
A tad expensive though.
Valerie, thanks for the Elmfest reminder. I'm going tomorrow.
That's a wonderful house, and a great location. I wish I could afford Elmhurst. But they say Villa Park is the new Elmhurst.
$540,000??? For that price it better keep itself clean and have free cable TV.
Holy! $540,000? Really?!?!?
i remember the first house my parent bought in Queens, NY
in 1965 for $15,000.....
and my father said it was too expensive
i would be that house... which had one bathroom and the smallest living room on earth is now at least $540,0000
Elmhurst is a nice area. I have always wondered what it would be like to grow up in one house, one town, etc. We moved A LOT. When I have traveled back to old homes it has always felt so weird.
Elmhurst Sidewalk Sales if you wanna get REALLY old school.
I would buy in Elmhurst in a second if it wasn't so tad expensive.
I miss the Prairie Path. The lakefront path in Chicago is nice, but I used to like riding my bike to Glen Ellyn and being the only person on the path.
I hope for half a mil they fixed that back screen door. Any burglar worth his weight in Big League Chew could break into and out of that place before a Lutheran inside so much as raised a finger from the remote...
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