
I'll Give You $5...

I don't suppose any of you have any bunion stories you'd like to sell me.


Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact...

One summer I was visiting my Aunt B. in Wisconsin. Her son, my cousin J. had a baseball game that afternoon. My other Aunt, Aunt G, had to wear funky shoes because she had just had some bunions removed.

Cousin J. hit a fly ball, and everyone ran away except Aunt G because she couldn't. The ball hit her right on the head.

I guess that wasn't really about bunions...

Moderator said...

I do. But it involves my absurdly gorgeous wife. Does that count?

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Well, there was once this giant guy with a big, huge, ox. He ate so many pancakes that the lumberjacks kicked him out of the camp, even though he was the highest producer of timber in the gang. His name was Bunion, Paul Bunion. The end.

Tenacious S said...

Do plantar's warts count?

Valerie said...

Are you going to be sending all these people $5 with PayPal?

SkylersDad said...

Bunions, schmunions. I once popped a zit the size of the meteor crater down in Arizona just to put out a house fire and save a family with small children and cats.

Is that worth 5 bucks?