But, hey, I'm willing to compromise. I don't mind doing a cute puppy post every now and then. Besides, if it makes her happy, it makes ME happy. Please don't misconstrue this and think Megan is now calling the shots and that I've become a spineless lump, granting her every request. I just think everyone could benefit from a few cute puppy pics every now and then. Here you go, honey. Enjoy!

That last one looks exactly like the Cryptkeeper. Eerie.
Didn't the last one win the "Ugliest Dog In America" contest or something like that? I remember that from a year or two ago. The first time I saw the picture, before reading the caption, I thought it was an animal in some horror movie.
Awesome. But keep those Assman stories coming.
The very bottom one died earlier last year. What a shame..
... and don't change ANYthing, Chris! We like your blog JUST as it is!
boys = gross
girls = cute
keep the site just as sick as its owner.
great pictures by the way. Very adorable!
I like gross stuff.
You know, Teri, that's a VERY sexist remark. I'm insulted, really.
Yeah, the Cryptkeeper , hilarious. I could use less Cat pictures, personally, but it's not my blog.
On behalf of spineless lumps, I thank you Chris.
I just did my first cute cat post.
I hereby request naked boobie pix. Be careful what you compromise on-- today it's the blog, what'll it be tomorrow?? I mean, if you're so willing to give up your first ammendment rights, what's next?? No swearing? Biweekly beard trimming? No leaving empty beer bottles around? No burping while walking about in your underpants? Be careful with this stuff, kiddo-- a lot of us menfolk were "bettered" by our wimmin folk and lookit how we ended up!
Dick, it must be Nick's influence on your but you're the exception to this rule.
Man, if dogs look like their owners.... yikes!
Everything that's true is beautiful. It's only gross if it's false. Frankly, I find your blog to be very beautiful. Sometimes too beautiful.
This should be fun...
Clare- You're right! Definitely eerie.
Melissa- Wow! Borderline blasphemous.
Johnny- I believe you're right.
CP- I will, but only if they're gross.
Frank- Look who's talking! Ka-zing!
Dick- Thanks. Don't worry. I'm master of this domain.
Flann- Agreed
Teri- Very concise.
Kristi- No wonder you read my blog!
Slinger- Duly noted...
S.D.- Anything I can do to help.
Phil- Isn't it exhilerating?
Jen- Look at the little puppy doggie! He's a bi sweetie!
B.O.- You are my Obi-Wan
A.B.- I never even considered that! It's a frightening thought.
Grant- The feeling is mutual.
In all fairness to me, I would never DREAM of dictating the content of Some Guy's Blog. While I did request more posts about puppies, it was merely one of several things I said to tease Chris about the fact that he'd done four gross posts in a row. Plus who doesn't like puppies?!
I almost shit myself just now. Thank you. :)
More Assman, less snot!
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