I finally got this movie from Netflix and watched it yesterday. Let me start by saying, I've seen all the "Da Ali G Show" episodes and laughed my ass off. I love humor that catches people off-guard. I love humor that comes from embarassment. And, in case you haven't noticed, I LOVE humor that comes from vulgarity.
Given all this, I'm surprised I didn't like this movie more than I did. Sure, I laughed out loud at certain points, but it wasn't the gut-buster I was expecting.
He's going to make an appearance on American Idol this season. I believe his stock may be dropping. Thank goodness he has that over the shoulder boulder holder to ward off the inevitable.
The laugh out loud stuff was still great, but on a second viewing it didn't hold up as well.
I saw it in the theatre with a lot of friends, plus I was half in the bag, consequently, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.
I'm sure when I watch it again sober on my couch with my dog farting at me it won't be nearly as funny.
The segments that are done Ali G Show style are crazy good. The "plot" parts are... pretty good.
Crap. I just got this from Netflix myself and haven't watched it yet. Way to take the wind out my sails Chris!
I haven't seen it either. So is it worth renting, or not?
Valerie: Yes. Just don't get quite caught up in the hype of "world-changing comedic force that will blow your mind straight out through your eyes and revolutionize satire as we know it." That said, it's still pretty terrific.
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