Yesterday, the police found 37-year-old Stephen Grant in Wilderness State Park, up in my neck of the woods (literally). The Friday before, police had found his wife's torso in their suburban Detroit home. I saw this story on CNN and you can read about it
HERE. I am absolutely THRILLED about the inevitable influx of tourism revenue that will come from our sudden notoriety.
I always knew the wackos lived in "your neck of the woods".
Why would someone leave the torso? It would seem that if you're gonna go through the hassle of dismembering the body you may as well get rid of the whole thing.
Maybe you can start up a new carving business on the side.
That's why I prefer the suburbs to the wilderness. Plus there are more IGIFridays in the suburbs.
Yowza! That guy's an idiot as well as a psycho. Hey, did you see this? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070303/ap_on_fe_st/body_parts_delivery
What is up with you Michiganders and the body parts today?
Dangit, bad link, sorry. Here: more body parts in michigan
You are the first person I thought of when I heard about this! (I knew you aren't married, so I didn't think it was you!) I wondered how close all of that was to you.
It's really frightening what humans will do when their emotions get so out of control. I think domestic violence is more prevelent and dangerous than anyone wants to realize.
I've often wondered how much impact women being more empowered in our society has affected the amount of deadly violence against women.
It was not that long ago that women had very few choices and men were pretty much in control in the world and in the home. I've wondered how much rage has been created inside some men with the change in women's roles in society? Didn't they say this guy was angry because his wife was traveling so much with her job?
*** Please don't attack me folks, it's just an "I wonder" kind of remark!****
Just a thought... in Colorado Springs we had that whole "Texas Seven" thing happen, and some people made T-shirts.
YOU should make T-shirts, Chris... and profit off of it.
I get 50% since it was my idea.
Start offering Haunted tours of the area.
Congratulations on this fortuitous turn of events.
We have our own version of lovely family dynamics going on in our neck of the woods:
Flann- Exactly.
Teri- Now, what on earth gave you THAT impression?
Dave- Yeah, what's wrong with homocidal maniacs these days?
CP- It's a thought...
Grant- We DO have an Appleby's. Is that close enough?
Clare- Michiganders are fucking crazy!
Anon- It'd be interesting to compare the statistics over the years of % of married women working outside the house to the number of husbands murdering their wives.
Amy- It could be a gold mine!
Phil- I think people are scared enough up here as it is.
K.I.D.- I feel like it's the dawning of a new day.
Skyler's Dad- Welcome! What the hell is going on with these people!?
Jenn= The Boob Lady...
are you giving guided tours? You can get tips that way, I hear... did someone else suggest this already? I'm too damned lazy tonite to read all these comments.
are you posting this story to scare your special houseguest?
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