I'm pleased to report that, as of his last check-up, The Assman's glucose levels are now within the desired range. He is once again eating normally and is pretty much back to his old self. This is a pic Megan took of my twice-daily ritual. As you can see, he is unphased by the whole procedure. Thanks to everyone for your support!
Way to go, Chris! I knew you could do it.
You look so comfortable with a syringe in your hand, maybe you should be an RN or a drug addict, (or both, like many people).
Nice to know the assman is doing well, way to go.
he looks like a sweety. I'm glad he's doing better.
Can I ask how you knew that Assman was sick? Just wondering what the symptoms were. Glad you guys have figured it out and everyone is doing well.
Thanks, everyone!
Ten S- He was having some accidents (not going in his box) and was eating less than he normally did. The accidents were completely out of the blue and prompted me to consult the vet.
Leave it to the Assman to take a twice-daily prick in stride.
Hooray! So happy to hear the news about Assman!!
I knew
you could do it!
Oddly enough, Assman looks like my friend's cat, Cosmo.
You're a good guy, Chris!
Phew! So glad Assman is doing well!
This cat's not content with just catnip is he? Noooo.
Yay Assman!
By the way, I'm glad to see you brought out the good flannel shirt for Megan's visit. ;-)
Is assman really an assman? My cats have always seemed indifferent.
Glad to know he's doing well! Good for you for doing the right thing, even when it was harder.
I'll bet he feels soooo much better! And he seems to be pretty accepting of this....
any diet chanegs? I'm guessing diet isn't a factor for a cat, but....
are the docs able to tell, or can you tell, if his kidneys are functioning normally? Meaning, have the accidents stopped?
Glad Assman is on the mend, Chris.
Good news!
I found out last year that my dog has diabetes too. After we started the insulin shots, he immediately started getting better (same symptoms you describe). He was also always a self-feeder, so he also refused the special diet food. I started cooking his food myself instead of trying to force the nasty vet food on him. It's was big pain at first, but I'm used to it now (I make big batches and freeze it). Also, some advice from the field, if the shots become uncomfortable for him, try 31-gauge Ultra-fine needles -- that's what I've been using. Good luck!!
I'm gonna pretend that that's a kitty junkie getting it's kitty fix.
Vikki- He's good like that.
Boob Lady- Thanks!
Jen- Thanks again for helping me see what I needed to do. I owe you one.
Kristi- People tell me he looks like a young Regis Philbin.
Dick- I'm blushing.
K.I.D.- Thanks again!
Dale- He works hard and he plays hard.
Flann- You know me, Mr. Style!
Grant- He does indeed worship at the altar of boo-tay.
Johnny- Thankfully, it hasn't been as hard as I thought.
Genn- I do feed him special diabetic food now and I'm happy to say the accidents have stopped.
Anon & Sans- Thanks!
Blueblanket- Welcome! Thanks! I'm actually using, I belive, the smallest gauge needles available - 30s I think.
Dave- Pretend away! I think the look on his face lends itself to that.
I'm so happy that you're both adjusting. The Assman looks completely relaxed.
Yay! I'm glad the kitty is doing ok!
Awww, glad to hear you're doing well Assman. I found you over at Coffeypots.... I hope it's nothing to do with the pet food recall that's been all over the news. You can check my blog for a list of the recalled cat and dog foods that have been causing kidney issues and even fatalities in cats and dogs or just check here: http://www.menufoods.com/recall/
P.S. I like your name :)
Glad Assman is doing well !!!
I'm assuming he's (she?) has become diabetic??
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