
Two-Minute Post...

OK, I have a few seconds here to do a post. It's gonna suck. I'm warning you.

I always find it amusing when people call them "hamburgs".

See, was that lame or what!?


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

My people call them hamburgs. Whenever I say it though, my sophisticated four-year old daughter always says, "It's hamburgers, Mom!" and rolls her eyes.

SkylersDad said...

I'll gladly trade you a blog post today for a hamburg tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard them called hamburgs in my life... until now.

Anonymous said...

My grandparents would only call raw hamburger meat "hamburg", eg: "get me the hamburg from the fridge so we can start making the meatballs"

Megan said...

I'm with Amy. . .hamburg? You crazy midwesterners.

Dale said...

Growing up in eastern Canada, there was a bread company called Butternut (that should be good enough on its own) and their radio jingle went: Hotdogs and Hamburgs are much more fun on a Butternut bun! That was some good learnin'.

Anonymous said...

WHO calls 'em "hamburgs"?? We always called 'em "burgers". Flan, are you SURE you grew up in NE OH??