
Proposition Hate...

I know this blog is usually about goofy crap, but I need you all to read something serious. This comes from a link found on longtime blog-friend Lulu's blog. I don't think I've ever done this before, but I ORDER you to read it and share it with everyone you can. This bullshit has to end. Now.

It can be found HERE.


Dale said...

It's just insane and horrifying Chris. Thanks for posting it and the links. Everywhere I go, I trip over so many excellent posts about why this Proposition is just so wrong.

Anonymous said...

Horrible. Thanks for getting the word out.

Dr Zibbs said...

That sucks. I hereby ban anyone on the far right from reading my blog.

Micgar said...

I read that post-wow that was a powerful piece! Those that support those amendments try to appeal to fear and the "values" voters, but they have some awful values themselves. They truly are hateful.

Miss Alex said...

That's just disgusting. I was just talking to my friend yesterday about Christians and how some give good ones a very bad name. It's sad...

Cora said...

Wow. That was horrific and moving all at the same time. I can't shake the image off. Important message. Maybe if more right wingers were exposed to stories like this they'd be more compassionate, back off and just let people be who and what they are. Thanks for linking it.

lulu said...

Thanks for linking to it Chris.