First, let me start by saying that anyone who stopped by and saw the last post and thought, "That's really pathetic" or "Fuck him! I'm not leaving a fucking comment! What a whore!" or "This dude has some serious self-esteem issues," I don't blame you at all. I might have thought the same thing.
Here's my excuse: I'm a curious fucker. I was curious:
- who would leave a comment.
- who wouldn't leave a comment.
- how long it would take.
- what people would say.
- whether anyone would comment for the first time.
I like getting to know people, despite my initial social awkwardness. I like to know why people think the way they do, even people who disagree with me. Especially people who disagree with me. I want to know what's going on inside people's heads. To me, visiting blogs is like going over to someone's home, except the door is always unlocked and the home, in this case, is someone's brain.
So, in my defense, it wasn't really about getting a lot of comments (yeah, bullshit!). Go back and check my archives. The only person who used to comment at the beginning was Grant. Then, eventually, Flannery started visiting. Then Vikki and the Georgia Girls and so on. That's one of the reasons I annoyingly put my links in chronological order rather than alphabetically. I think it's a neat history. The fact is, I do like getting comments. I'll admit some of it gives me a sense of validation, but mostly I'm just curious who will respond to what and how. Plus, some of them are pretty fucking funny. So, if you didn't leave a comment in the last post, feel free. I'll go back and check it every once in a while.
I was thinking about a trip my friend and I took about twelve years ago. I wrote a little about it HERE. We quit our jobs, bought a big-ass van, and pretty much went wherever we felt like. We mooched places to sleep and shower from people along the way, but most of the time we'd sleep in the van in hotel parking lots (never got hassled once in six months!). Imagine how cool that trip would be now that I know people all over the country! Who knows? Maybe someday I'll do it again.
So what you're saying is that you DID sleep with a horse?
I was praying it would hold at 99 comments and then I could swoop in and save the day instead of slinking in late and being lame.
You know what they say about what curiosity did to the cat. That and possibly some asshole with a morbid death/animal/sex fantasy. There are some CREEPY people out there..
You have an open invitation to come stay Chris, with or without the horse...
I'm willing to bet that all the animal sex people are from Wisconsin.
My blog is a great deal calmer and cleaner than my actual home.
If you DON'T stop by I'll be very upset.
Curiosity is a damn fine thing. Just beautiful.
Except with the animals.
BTW, the "turkey" was for Thanksgiving, and you're welcome! :-)
well, now I have to go to your previous posts and see what all the fuss is all about.
The door is always open, Some Guy. Leave your shoes on, my floors will ruin your socks because they are so dirty!
I recommend you time your visit here to exclude late June, July, and August. This week it was in the low 90's high 80's... sweet weather for November, huh?
This kind of curiosity breeds a diverse mind. You can't help by learn somethings about yourself at the same time.
I'll poop in another sink if you stop in The Lou next time around.
I just found you today, so you cannot blame me for not commenting before! :D
I'm going to hold my blog to ransom until I get an Atari Lynx to kick it old school with, but it would have to be when I got 3 comments...
I like docs too-and seeing (or trying to see) how my "opposite" tics-for instance I listen to far right wacko/Evangelical Christian radio talk shows-yes it gets me really angry, but I can't understand them, but I try...don't think I ever will, but....
I'm veeery curios about things as well, and I like to re-think about stuff we give for granted..because all is relative..
the blog world really is an interesting one, isn't it? I could see why you did it... but thank goodness, for our sake, it didn't take all week! ;)
If you ever happen to be in CT, drop me an email. Of course, I won't let you sleep in the house, but maybe I'll let you use the indoor plumbing.
Thanks for the link, baby.
I watched that Zoo doc, btw, and I didn't like it much. What the hell was with all those sort of pseudo reenactments, anyway? What was with all those moody shots where no one said anything? It's a documentary, not a goddamn Ken Russell film.
Vikki- The subject matter notwithstanding, I thought it was pretty innovative. I like docs that attempt new things. It had a little Errol Morris feel to it now that I think about it. Considering what the movie was about, I thought it gave a good sense of what that whole fucked-up subculture is like without too much grossing out.
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