I know not all of you give a shit about politics. Me, I'm a cognizant junkie - cognizant of the fact that politics is rife with filth and bullshit. What can I say? Call it a guilty pleasure. I wanted to jot down a few things while they're fresh in my mind:
- I know there will be calls for President Obama (man, is that fun!) to exercize restraint and bipartisanship in the early days of his administration. I trust Obama's wisdom to make the right calls. The only thing I ask is that he start the procedings that will send Dick Cheney to a prison where he gets his ass shredded on a daily basis. Maybe he will finally learn some empathy for those who needlessly suffered in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib.
- I love how pretty much every right-wing talking head has attributed Obama's victory to his drift to the "center-right". Funny how these same people were calling him a socialist and a communist only days (even hours) earlier. This is an example of the bullshit I spoke of.
- Those of you who are frightened of an imminent return of Sarah Palin in 2012, let me remind you of a few names: Bob Dole, Dan Quayle, Joe Lieberman, and John Edwards - each of whom were VP candidates on losing tickets who had unsuccessful presidential runs. There are probably others, but these are just a few off the top of my head.
- I am generally not a vindictive person, but as someone who had to suffer being labeled "anti-American", "traitor", and "left-wing loon", I have to admit taking a little pleasure in flipping over to Fox News every once in a while last night and seeing their wrinkled, dejected faces. Suck it, Brit! You too, Kristol! And Barnes. Eat a bag of shit! There, that's the extent of my gloating.
As I watched CNN last night, I kept wondering what the folks over at Fox were saying. They must have been in denial right until the end.
You crack me up. I, too, thought you must have been drunk blogging last night. But unless you're still tying one on, I've decided this is your sparkling personality 24/7. You have balls - it's great!
As long as you speak English..Oh ...sorry.I thought this was Gwens blog.
I also could not resist switching over to Fox News from time to time.
I was moved to write a poem for Brit Hume:
Brit Hume
too bad
so sad
Ha. I said that I wanted to watch some coverage on Fox News because I wanted to see some conservative commentator's head explode.
I think I enjoyed your gloating almost as much as you did.
I have to admit that even though MY NEW PRESIDENT is wisely calling for us to work together, I am taking a wee bit of pleasure flipping off everyone at FOX in my mind. They can't see me through the TV screen - well they won't be able to after the new Congress repeals the Patriot Act.
What if Palin, Dole, Quayle, Lieberman, and Edwards formed a supergroup and toured the country? Kind of like the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Joe the Plumber could be the opening act reading/performing from his book/album.
I am generally not a vindictive person, but as someone who had to suffer being labeled "anti-American", "traitor", and "left-wing loon"
It ain't just you buddy. It ain't just you.
I'm not a vindictive person but I do think ALL right wingers and Neocons should have fair trials for treason and then hung from the nearest tree.
Your gloating may be over but mine has just begun.
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