Usually I prefer documentaries without a lot of narration, but director Werner Herzog has a way of speaking that makes everything he says seem like the the most profound, important thing you've ever heard in your life. In this film that's just been released on DVD, he goes to Antarctica, a place I've always wanted to visit. There he introduces us to what life is like at
McMurdo Station, the largest community in Antarctica, home mainly to scientists and support staff. He spends time with people who are researching seals, penguins, sea life (including some amazing dive footage), and volcanoes. The film is beautifully shot with lots of interesting characters. It recently made the documentary short list for the Oscars. I would also like to recommend another Herzog doc I saw recently called "The White Diamond". Add both to your Netflix queues, bitches.
Encounters At The End Of The WorldThe White Diamond
Hey, did you see "Religulous" yet? It was no King of Kong, but it was good! Go and see it if you haven't!
PB- I really want to see it, but I know the theater here won't show it. I'll have to wait for the DVD I guess.
Looks pretty cool Chris, I have always wanted to visit the south pole also.
I kinda hate Herzog's narration, but I added these anyway. Thanks!
Well hell... I got all excited about the "White Diamonds" doc. Thought it was about Elizabeth Taylor's line of perfume.
- Jennifer
done and done. these are something I would enjoy.
When my dad and step-mom got married, they went to Antarctica for their honeymoon. Not kidding. The pictures they brought back are gorgeous!!
Antarctica is on my bucket list!
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